Lidia Rozo
2023-08-10 07:22:36

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Uncover the truth behind the ancient ritual of resurrection and decide, Should You Resurrect Mayrina's Husband in Baldur's Gate 3.

In the vast and immersive world of Baldur's Gate 3, players are faced with numerous moral dilemmas and choices that impact the lives of the characters they encounter. One such choice revolves around Mayrina, a grieving widow in search of a way to bring her beloved husband, Conor, back to life. The question is, should players use the powerful wand to resurrect Conor, and if so, what are the potential consequences? Let's explore the options and their implications.

 Option 1: Snapping the Wand

One possible choice is to snap the wand, rendering it useless and denying Mayrina the chance to resurrect her husband. This option may seem heartless, but it is worth considering the potential consequences. Mayrina's reaction to the wand being snapped would undoubtedly be one of despair and disappointment. However, she would have to come to terms with the fact that Conor will remain dead. This choice helps players maintain the natural progression of the game, as death is an integral part of the story.

Option 2: Pointing the Wand at the Coffin

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Another option players may consider is using the wand to resurrect Conor as a zombie. This choice could have significant ramifications, both morally and strategically. Upon pointing the wand at the coffin, Conor would indeed come back to life, but as an undead being devoid of his former self. This decision may lead to unrest among the party members and potentially put them in danger. Players must weigh the potential consequences and decide if resurrecting Conor as a zombie is truly the right path to take.

Option 3: Keeping the Wand

Choosing to keep the wand presents players with a different set of possibilities. By keeping the wand, players gain the ability to temporarily summon a minion to aid them in battle. While this choice may seem advantageous, it is important to note that Conor's resurrection is not possible through this method. Mayrina will express her disappointment, but players should be aware that Conor will not be a viable party member. Despite this drawback, the wand's power can be harnessed for other purposes, making it a potentially strategic choice.

Option 4: Giving the Wand to Mayrina

The final option players have is to give the wand to Mayrina, allowing her to attempt to resurrect Conor herself. Mayrina will express gratitude for the chance to bring her husband back and will share her plan to help Conor adjust to his new lease on life. However, players must consider the potential consequences of this choice. Mayrina's plan may not go as expected, and the resurrected Conor could have unforeseen consequences on the world around him. Players must weigh the potential risks against their desire to help Mayrina and make an informed decision.

In Baldur's Gate 3, the choice to resurrect Mayrina's husband is not one to be taken lightly. Each option carries its own set of implications and potential consequences. Whether players decide to snap the wand, resurrect Conor as a zombie, keep the wand for its other uses, or give it to Mayrina, the impact on the game's storyline and characters will be profound. Choose wisely, as the fate of Mayrina and Conor rests in your hands.

Microsoft Windows PC, Stadia, macOS
Larian Studios
Larian Studios
Release date:
6 October 2020
Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam