Angel Marquez
2022-10-19 21:49:09

With our help you will see that knowing how to fix stuck on chapter 2 in A Plague Tale Requiem is easier than you think.

What to know about stuck in chapter 2 in A Plague Tale Requiem?

 When we find ourselves in our progress through chapter 2 of the game we have to search the coliseum together with Lucas for the Magister of the Order, the alchemist Vaudin, at this point Lucas and Amicia will be separated, after a while the rats will appear and we will be forced to escape from them until we are with a steel door and close it, this requires stepping on a wooden board that will end up giving way with the weight of Lucas, the separation is inevitable, seeing the rats everywhere sides and that it is not possible to light the fire because they are very far apart, now we must get to the side of the coliseum to help Lucas and to know how to fix stuck in chapter 2 in A Plague Tale Requiem let's see the following content.

How to fix stuck on chapter 2 in A Plague Tale Requiem?

By not having any Ignifer we cannot reach the other side with Lucas, because it is possible for us to scare away the rats and they will not arrive by standing on the other side, now by throwing a stick at Lucas since he is not on, he can reach our side without problems, what will allow us to use the ladder that now if it worked, what we will do is for Lucas to come instead of us going, it will only be enough for us to take a stick and light it for the use of the bonfire on our side and then for the chimney on Lucas's side we will launch it, the result is that Lucas will get closer to be able to pass, it is possible that this will require a few attempts until he succeeds, when he takes the stick he will light it using the button corresponding to our platform, the right click of the PC or LT on Xbox or L2 on PlayStation.

 The next thing that will happen is that Lucas with the torch will be able to face the rats, being with Amicia the ladder will be usable, when Lucas is on our side in the Colosseum the ladder will be activated to use it, this solves many doubts that arise related to a possible failure that turns out not to be the case, running out of time it is possible that Lucas finishes the mystery on his own, with this we will know what we must do to progress.

 It is evident that knowing how to fix stuck on chapter 2 in A Plague Tale Requiem allows us to have more fun and progress in this busy game.