Ambar Jimenez
2019-03-20 19:43:56

The technological giant Google was given the opening speech of the GDC 2019 (Game Developers Conference) held on Tuesday, March 19, in San Francisco, California. In her I announce the launching of its new service Cloud Streaming of videojuegos, as well as the objectives, the specifications, between other details like, of course, the controller.

The Stadia Controller is the official controller for the Stadia transmission platform. Phil Harrison, vice president of Google, was in charge of exhibiting the elegant Stadia Controller. I also detail the process of its operation. Stadia Controller, by means of wi-fi, is able to connect to the game that is running in the Google data center, through any platform through which players are transmitting the Stadia service. The latter is because Stadia Controller identifies the device you want to use and henceforth synchronizes with your game session executed in the cloud.

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Black, White and Powder Blue Controller

Phil Harrison also made the clarification that the players the other standard drivers or even the USB keyboard when playing with Stadia on computers (both portable and PC), making the use of Stadia Controller is completely
optional, in this case.

The Stadia Controller, at first glance, looks like a standard controller. However, in addition to the standard specifications of the controls (like its buttons and joysticks), it also has two additional buttons, with particularly specific functions and a built-in microphone. One is the "capture" button that allows both save and share game experiences on YouTube. The other additional button activates the Google Assistant, with which players can ask for help immediately, just by talking, and with this obtain data for "special functions of the games integrated by the developers". Another feature that was integrated into the design of the Stadia Controller is that it has the famous Konami Code engraved on the bottom.

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▷ Google Stadia Cloud Gaming is better than Microsoft's xCloud ...
▷ Google Cloud Streaming is Better Positioned than PS4 and Xbox ...

Regarding the presentations or color options of the Stadia Controller, three different alternatives were shown:
 White with black buttons
 Black with gray buttons
 Very light blue with black buttons.

What was not revealed about the Stadia Controller during Google's speech was its price. It seems that they decided to leave it to the expectation, as a marketing strategy, probably to expect the reaction of the fans in regards to this
new project as is Stadia.

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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