Ysabela Evans
2019-02-12 18:06:51

By the middle of this year there will be the launch of the third-generation AMD Ryzen processors and AMD has taken the opportunity to offer details on the Zen 2 CPU architecture that will form the heart of this new generation.

On the other hand, Nvidia is not thinking about staying behind in terms of presence in the GDC this year, and is that in fact has 25 sessions within the event, many of them on RTX technology and real-time ray tracking.
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Specifically 17 of the Nvidia sessions are related to the previous point, Deep Learning Super Sampling or Turing architecture and shading techniques based on it. AMD will only have nine sessions throughout the entire conference, one of which will also be about RadeonRays ray tracing and will also be presented with Nvidia.

In spite of not having a session dedicated entirely to AMD Zen 2 architecture in the GDC, the AMD Ryzen Processor Optimization session that will be presented by Ken Mitchell from AMD itself, will provide details about the fresh design of the CPU that generates emotion. In the words of the GDC's own programming:

There is no immersion in specific AMD Zen 2 architecture planned for GDC, but the AMD Ryzen Processor Software Optimization session, presented by AMD's Ken Mitchell, will contain details of the exciting new CPU design.

"Join the AMD ISV game engineering team to get an introduction to the family of AMD Ryzen processors followed by advanced optimization topics. Learn about the Ryzen processor line, profiling tools and techniques to understand optimization opportunities, and glimpse the next generation of x86 core architecture "Zen 2". Learn about code optimization opportunities and lessons learned with examples that include C / C ++, hardware performance monitoring assemblers and counters. "

There are only few details and even less glimpses into the final design that the third-generation Ryzen chips will have, yes, but it is translated in a positive way by the fact that it is spoken and referenced in terms of game optimizations, something that is undoubtedly important lately. among the community of gamers.

The Zen 2 architecture would offer an additional IPC performance that helps to achieve or surpass the Intel processors with respect to videogames, something that can definitely be very exciting for PC players, who are seeing other companies join these optimizations

Nvidia is preparing a book that is aimed at attracting developers to be provoked and excited to try real-time ray tracing in their games, and now with its RTX range of Turing graphics and its new techniques of shading can offer improved performance even in the most demanding games. They plan to have it ready for the GDC, although it will also be launched for free through the network for those who can not attend the event.

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video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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