Uploaded by HarryNinetyFour

(Video) The Brat Questline Guide (Hot Dog) - Fortnite

A complete questline walkthrough for The Brat's Hot Dog Questline. In Fortnite Season 8, there are Questlines that you need to complete for characters. First, you must talk to the character and then complete 5 Quests to complete the Questline.

The Brat's Quest Timeline:

0:00] Talk to The Brat to start the Hot Dog Questline
0:13] Stage 1 of 5: Open a Cash Register
0:35] Stage 2 of 5: Destroy Couches or Beds (3)
1:21] Stage 3 of 5: Complete a Quest From Another Character
1:43] Stage 4 of 5: Purchase a Weapon of Rare Rarity or Higher from a Character or Weapon-O-Matic
2:10] Stage 5 of 5: Damage Opponents with Weapon of Rare Quality or Higher