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(Video) How to Fix Rust Console Edition (Xbox and Playstation)

Let's talk about fixing the Rust console edition. Rust has a TON of potential and it is possible for Rust to become the AMAZING game the PC version of Rust is so let's dive into the three biggest console players have with Rust console edition and how these issues can be fixed. Whether you own the Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Playstation 4, Playstation 4 Pro, or Playstation 5 you've probably had Rust problems but for some of these problems I think the solution is simple. So let's discuss Rust console edition, what is broken in Rust and what it would take to fix these Rust console edition problems. Enjoy the vid and post "random words" in the comments to confuse my future self (signed: Drunk Cereal)