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(Video) Hood: Outlaws and Legends - "The Hunter" Character Gameplay Trailer | PS5, PS4

Hood: Outlaws and Legends, the multiplayer PvPvE heist game from Sumo
Digital and Focus Home interactive, introduces in-depth gameplay of one
of the four playable classes available at launch. Matchmaking in
opposing teams of four, choose your character based on your preferred
playstyle, or what best fits your team’s strategy. In this game where
cooperation is key, your team’s composition can suit a stealthy
long-range approach, a brutal close combat heist or a balanced band of
Outlaws prepared for anything. Today, join game director Andrew Willans
once again for the second character gameplay trailer to discover The

Become the ultimate silent terror

The Hunter is elusive and mysterious, with her quick takedowns,
invisibility magic, and smoke grenades making her a terror in
infiltration and assassination. Her main weapon is a modified
arm-mounted crossbow, which can load up to three bolts at once to fire a
deadly burst, giving her incredible lethality at close and mid-range.

The Hunter’s ultimate ability is the Shroud, covering her with a
near-invisible sheen and making her completely undetectable by guards.
This grants her unique advantages in infiltration, letting her reach the
treasure vault with ease, or assassinating the enemy backlines with
terrifying efficiency. When it comes to supporting her band of outlaws,
the Hunter’s smoke grenades can be used to prevent enemies from tagging
teammates or to cover sightlines for a tactical advantage.

Pre-order now for early access and cosmetics!

By pre-ordering today, you’ll get early access to Hood: Outlaws and
Legends starting May 7, as well as the Forest Lords cosmetic pack for
free. The Forest Lords pack includes a skin for each character and
weapon in the game. The Year 1 Edition is also available for pre-order,
giving access to Hood and three Battle Passes due to be released
post-launch, after the initial free Season.

Stay tuned for the third character gameplay trailer next week! Pre-order
now on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 to get exclusive bonuses and
early access to Hood: Outlaws and Legends from May 7 - three days
before the official release on May 10.