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(Video) Dying Light 2 - All Graffiti Tag Collectibles Locations Guide (Murals)

Dying Light 2 - All Graffiti Tag Collectibles Locations Guide (Murals)

There are a total of 70 Graffiti tag Collectibles (Murals) to collect in Dying Light 2. The Graffiti can be seen on the side of buildings, and you then need to find the box of spray cans nearby titled "Mural" to collect it. Collecting all 70 Graffiti Tag Collectibles (Murals) will reward you with the "Street Art Aficionado" trophy / achievement.

None of the Graffiti Tag Collectibles (Murals) after missable. You can come back and get all 70 after you have finished the story. Collecting all of them doesn't reward anything besides the trophy / achievement.