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(Video) Dying Light 2 - All Airdrops Locations Guide (Military Tech)

Dying Light 2 - All Airdrops Locations Guide (Military Tech)

There are a total of 26 Airdrops that you need to find and open in Dying Light 2. Airdrops have some of the best weapons and best gear in them, so it's worth going for them. They also have inhibitors and legendary crafting materials such a military tech which is used to upgrade your tools and can only be found inside airdrops.

Opening all 26 Airdrops will reward you with the Find Anything Interesting? trophy / achievement.

There are 14 Airdrops that can be found on tall buildings, and then 12 Sunken Airdrops that can be found in the water in the southern most part of the map. You can only access this area after finishing the main story.

None of the Airdrops and missable and you can collect them at any point in the game. There are numerous ways to climb buildings in this game, so the way I take might not work for you if you don't have the same level of stamina etc. Just experiment a bit with climbing and using the glider to find a way onto the roof that works best for you.