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(Video) Dusk Questline Guide (Vampire Combat) - Fortnite

Dusk Questline Guide (Vampire Combat) - Fortnite

A complete questline walkthrough for Dusk's Vampire Combat Questline. In Fortnite Season 8, there are Questlines that you need to complete for characters. First, you must talk to the character and then complete 5 Quests to complete the Questline.

Dusk's Quest Timeline:

0:00] Talk to Dusk to start the Vampire Combat Questline
0:24] Stage 1 of 5: Ring a Doorbell until it Breaks
0:47] Stage 2 of 5: Damage an Opponent Within 30 Seconds of Landing
1:17] Stage 3 of 5: Pistol Damage From Above
1:32] Stage 4 of 5: Get an Elimination with a Pistol, SMG, or Shotgun in the Sideways
2:11] Stage 5 of 5: Finish a Downed Enemy with a Harvesting Tool