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(Video) Deathloop - Official Pre-Order Trailer | PS5

Your chance to explore the mysterious and dangerous island of Blackreef
is just around the corner. Pre-order either the Standard or Deluxe
edition of DEATHLOOP now to receive exclusive bonuses including unique
weapons, character skins, and more!

PRE-ORDER BONUS (Both Editions)
- Unique Weapon: Royal Protector Machete (PS5 Exclusive)
- Unique Character Skin: "Storm Rider" Colt
- One Trinket (equippable buff)

- Unique Weapon: Transtar Trencher (PS5 Exclusive)
- Unique Weapon: Eat The Rich Tribunal
- Unique Weapon: .44 Karat Fourpounder
- Character Skin: "Party Crasher" Colt
- Character Skin: "Sharp Shooter" Julianna
- Original Game Soundtrack Selections
- Two Trinkets (equippable buffs)