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(Video) All Fortnitemare 2021 Quests Guide (Fortnitemares Event) - Fortnite

All Fortnitemare 2021 Quests Guide (Fortnitemares Event) - Fortnite

There are 3 Fortnitemare Quests that you need to complete for the Fortnitemare's event in Fortnite Battle Royale. As well as the 3 Fortnitemare quests you need to complete the punchcard for Dark Jonesy and Ariana Grande. This guide will show you how to complete the 3 specific Fortnitemare quests.

Fortnitemare Quests Timeline:

0:00] Collect Candy (15)
0:48] Land While Riding a Witch's Broomstick (5)
1:30] Eliminate an Opponent with a Pumpkin Launcher (1)