Como encontrar todas as lendas locais de Natlan em Genshin Impact
Convidamos você a descobrir como encontrar todas as lendas locais de Natlan em Genshin Impact, uma nova tarefa neste jogo movimentado.
As Lendas Locais de Natlan são um desafio formidável que supera até mesmo os chefes mais temíveis da região. Esses dez oponentes de elite são um verdadeiro teste para sua destreza em combate e perspicácia estratégica. Derrotá-los não só recompensa você com as cobiçadas Conquistas Duelist: Series I, mas também fornece uma profunda sensação de realização.
Se você está confiante na força da sua equipe e acredita que tem o que é preciso para conquistar esses adversários lendários, então embarque em uma jornada por Natlan para localizá-los e derrotá-los. As recompensas e a satisfação obtidas com esse esforço são inigualáveis.
Genshin Impact: Como encontrar todas as lendas locais de Natlan
Ele nunca morre
Para desbloquear essa conquista elusiva, aventure-se no lago situado a leste do Templo Ancestral, acessível pelo Teleport Waypoint ao norte. Envolva-se com o totem especial de obsidiana para entrar no etéreo Mundo Noturno e confronte a enigmática capivara. Triunfe sobre esse adversário formidável sem sucumbir à sua devastadora Técnica Suprema para garantir a cobiçada conquista "Ele Nunca Morre".
Tri-estrelas policromadas
A próxima Lenda Local espera por você a oeste do lago, na tranquila Colina Huitztli. Prepare-se para um encontro desafiador com os formidáveis Polychrome Tri-Stars, um trio de poderosos Operativos Fatui.
Esses adversários de elite possuem vulnerabilidades elementais a Pyro, Electro e Cryo, então equipe seu grupo com personagens capazes de empunhar escudos que podem resistir efetivamente a esses elementos. Saia vitorioso dessa batalha árdua para reivindicar a prestigiosa conquista "Polychrome Tri-Stars".
Safo em meio às ondas
Descubra a tranquilidade serena de Tepeacac Rise, onde a elusiva Lenda Local, Safo em Meio às Ondas, reside. Ao contrário de suas contrapartes mais agressivas, Safo é inicialmente pacífica e não iniciará hostilidades. Para começar a batalha, tome a iniciativa atacando-a. Triunfe sobre Safo para ganhar a merecida conquista "Safo em Meio às Ondas".
Balachko, a enigmática Lenda Local, está escondida dentro de uma caverna escondida diretamente em frente ao Sanctum of Rainbow Spirits Domain. Para acessar este santuário isolado, apresente o mecanismo com duas Key to Somewhere, destrancando a entrada. Siga a trilha carmesim que o guia até o covil de Balachko, onde um confronto formidável o aguarda.
During the battle, Balachko will employ deceptive tactics, creating illusions of himself to sow confusion. Remain vigilant and focus your attacks on his true form to secure the "Balachko" achievement.
Venture to the circled area in Ameyalco Waters to discover the formidable Cocijo, a Local Legend shrouded in mystery. To summon this elusive adversary, unleash the power of Pyro to destroy the surrounding Electro Crystals. Given the intensity of this encounter, I strongly recommend equipping your party with a powerful shield character to mitigate Cocijo's devastating attacks. Triumph over this formidable foe to earn the coveted "Cocijo" achievement.
Chimalli's Shade
Head northwest of the Ancestral Temple to find the obsidian totem that serves as a gateway to the Night World. Once within this ethereal realm, confront the enigmatic Chimalli's Shade. A Pyro-wielding character will prove invaluable in this challenging battle. Defeat Chimalli's Shade to secure the "Chimalli's Shade" achievement.
Cihacoatl of Chimeric Bone
Ascend the mountaintop situated between the Scions of the Canopy and Teticpac Peak to discover the obsidian totem that leads to the Night World. Within this ethereal realm, a formidable encounter awaits: the Cihacoatl of Chimeric Bone.
To emerge victorious from this challenging battle, I recommend employing a ranged character equipped with a bow or catalyst. Utilize Charged Elemental Damage that reacts with Dendro to inflict maximum damage upon the Cihacoatl. Triumph over this formidable adversary to claim the prestigious "Cihacoatl of Chimeric Bone" achievement.
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Location: Sulfurous Veins (near Teleport Waypoint) Objective: Defeat the Local Legend in the Night World
- Find the Tepetlisauri: Begin your journey by gliding down the western cliff in Sulfurous Veins. Keep your eyes peeled for a Tepetlisauri, a large, reptilian creature, engaged in digging. This is a crucial step as you'll need to transform into this creature to complete the challenge.
- Initiate the Challenge: Once you've located the Tepetlisauri, approach it and interact with it. This will trigger a transformation sequence, allowing you to assume the form of the Tepetlisauri. In this new guise, seek out a nearby glowing red rock. Attacking this rock will initiate the challenge, setting the stage for a series of underground trials.
- Traverse Underground: As the Tepetlisauri, utilize its unique Elemental Skill to navigate through the underground passages. This skill will enable you to traverse through walls and other obstacles that would be impassable for your human form. Your goal is to follow the underground path, guided by the arrows that mark the correct direction.
- Attack the Rocks: Along your subterranean journey, you'll encounter several rocks marked by glowing fissures. These rocks are crucial to your progression. Attack each fissure in the designated order, beginning with the one at the bottom and then moving on to the one at the top. As you strike each rock, you'll notice that additional rocks appear. Continue attacking these newly formed rocks until you've successfully dispatched them all.
- Reach the Wall Rocks: The final phase of the challenge involves reaching some rocks situated on a wall. Given the Tepetlisauri's ability to traverse through walls, this is a task well-suited to its capabilities. Use your Elemental Skill to penetrate the wall and reach the rocks. Once you've arrived at these rocks, attack them to complete the challenge.
- Enter the Night World: Upon successfully completing the challenge, a hidden cave will reveal itself. Enter the cave and locate an obsidian totem. Interact with this totem to initiate a transition into the Night World. This ethereal realm is where you'll face the Local Legend, the final obstacle in your quest.
- Defeat the Local Legend: The battle against the Local Legend will be a formidable test of your skills. Engage in combat, utilizing the Tepetlisauri's unique abilities to overcome this formidable foe. Victory will not only reward you with the satisfaction of completing the challenge but will also grant you the prestigious "Tlatzacuilotl" Achievement.
Atlatl's Blessing
Location: Coatepec Mountain (magma-filled underground area) Objective: Defeat the Local Legend using parries
- Reach the Cave: To embark on this adventure, head to Tepeacac Rise and locate a cliff that overlooks a cave. This cave is the gateway to the magma-filled underground area where Atlatl's Blessing awaits. If you're unsure of its location, refer to the circled area in the provided image for guidance.
- Enter the Magma Area: Once you've entered the cave, follow the path straight ahead until you reach a wooden bridge. At the end of the bridge, glide down to another cave entrance. This will lead you to an area filled with molten magma.
- Transform and Traverse: As a human, the magma will rapidly drain your health. To survive, transform into the Tepetlisauri. This reptilian form grants you the ability to traverse through walls, which is essential for navigating the magma-filled environment. Locate the wall on the right and use your Tepetlisauri's skill to penetrate it.
- Find the Totem: Continue your journey through the underground passages, utilizing the Tepetlisauri's wall-traversal ability to progress. Follow the path forward until you encounter a black totem. This totem is the key to initiating the challenge against the Local Legend.
- Start the Challenge: Interact with the black totem to begin the battle against the Local Legend. This encounter will be a test of your parrying skills. You'll need to deflect the enemy's attacks to avoid taking damage and ultimately emerge victorious.
- Defeat the Local Legend: Successfully defeating the Local Legend in this parry-based battle will reward you with the "Atlatl's Blessing" Achievement, a testament to your skill and perseverance.
To obtain the Ichcahuipilli's Aegis, complete the following steps:
- Locate the Tree Structure: In Huitztli Hill, find the large, circular area. Climb to the top of the giant tree structure located there. The tree is a towering, ancient oak with gnarled branches and a thick, mossy trunk. As you ascend, be mindful of the treacherous climb, as the branches can be slippery and the height can be dizzying.
- Enter the Treehouse: Inside the tree, you'll find a small, dimly lit room. The air is musty and filled with the scent of old wood. On a makeshift table, you'll discover a Grappling Hook, a tool that will prove invaluable in your quest.
- Activate the Grappling Hook: Exit the treehouse and return to the side blocked by a heavy stone crate. Attach the Grappling Hook to the crate and use your strength to pull it aside. The crate will shift with a groan, revealing a hidden path beyond.
- Transform into a Yumkasauri: Indwell with a Yumkasauri to transform. These creatures are known for their agility and ability to scale walls with ease. As a Yumkasauri, you'll be better equipped to navigate the treacherous terrain ahead.
- Use the Grappling Hook: Use the Elemental Skill button on the grappling hook to move the crate further. As you do so, a small cloud of dust will rise from the ground, revealing a glowing stone embedded in the earth.
- Break the Crystals: Near the treehouse, you'll find a rock covered in sparkling crystals. Use a Geo character or claymore to shatter the crystals, releasing a burst of energy that will cause a glowing spot to appear on the ground.
- Activate Glowing Spots: Interact with the newly appeared glowing spot. This will activate a hidden mechanism, causing another glowing spot to appear nearby. Repeat this process twice more, activating nearby glowing spots and revealing additional stones.
- Pull the Red Stone: As a Yumkasauri, go to the shallow water near the Capybaras. These peaceful creatures are grazing on the lush vegetation along the riverbank. Use your Elemental Skill to pull the red stone indicated by the arrow. The stone will dislodge with a satisfying click, causing a trail of dust to rise and illuminate the final stone.
- Enfrente a Lenda Local: Assim que todas as três pedras estiverem acesas, uma pedra no centro da clareira irá desmoronar, revelando um Baú Luxuoso e um totem de obsidiana. O totem é uma estrutura alta e imponente adornada com entalhes intrincados. Interaja com o totem para entrar no Mundo Noturno, um reino envolto em escuridão e cheio de mistérios antigos. Dentro do Mundo Noturno, você encontrará a Lenda Local, um inimigo formidável que guarda os segredos da Égide de Ichcahuipilli.
- Derrote a Lenda Local: Envolva-se em uma batalha feroz com a Lenda Local. A criatura é poderosa e astuta, mas com habilidade e determinação, você pode superar seus desafios. A vitória o recompensará com a Égide de Ichcahuipilli, um artefato lendário que detém grande poder e significado.
Podemos concluir que saber como encontrar todas as lendas locais de Natlan em Genshin Impact é mais fácil do que você imagina, basta seguir estas instruções para conseguir e continuar progredindo em um jogo tão movimentado.
plataforma(s): PlayStation4 PS4, Nintendo Switch, iOS, PC, Android
desenvolvido por:
data de lançamento: 28 de setembro de 2020
modo: Um jogador, multijogador