
Como desbloquear Gnose em Witchfire



Desta vez voltamos com um guia com o objetivo de explicar a vocês como desbloquear Gnose em Witchfire.

Para ajudar no equilíbrio do jogo, Gnose foi adicionada ao Witchfire em janeiro de 2024. Ela exige que você conclua uma longa lista de verificação antes de poder desbloqueá-la, nivelá-la e utilizá-la.

Witchfire: Como desbloquear Gnose

Quando você voltar para o Hermitorium, vá para o portal que leva para o mundo exterior; de lá, vire à direita para confrontar a bruxa. Vire à esquerda assim que você entrar no prédio que abriga seu arsenal e espelho. Um novo corredor vermelho iluminado será construído aqui. No final do corredor da igreja, você verá uma mesa larga com um livro grosso espalhado sobre ela. Gnose pode ser aprendida aqui. Para desbloquear esta região, você terá que desembolsar 2.500 Volatile Witchfire.

Gnose: O que é?

Os desenvolvedores The Astronauts afirmam que o desbloqueio de Gnosis aprofundará "sua compreensão da magia negra..., revelando caminhos e eventos ocultos". Não poderia concordar mais. Conforme você avança na Gnosis, terá que marcar itens cada vez mais desafiadores de uma lista crescente. Embora subir de nível não seja necessário para atingir Witchfire, os níveis de Gnosis são, e isso é diferente de suas outras estatísticas.

Incursões no território da bruxa não são mais afetadas pelo nível do jogador devido à adição de Gnose. A bruxa reorganizará suas defesas conforme você sobe de nível, mas o nível de dificuldade simplesmente aumenta conforme você sobe de nível de Gnose. Você pode esperar inimigos mais difíceis, mais armadilhas e inimigos adicionais no geral com cada nível de Gnose.

Em que data devo aumentar meu nível de Gnose?

Certifique-se de que você está pronto para qualquer coisa antes de aumentar o nível de Gnose, pois isso torna todos os inimigos mais difíceis e adiciona coisas novas e aterrorizantes aos campos de batalha. Você não pode reverter para um nível de Gnose mais baixo depois de atualizá-lo. O mundo exterior será muito desafiador para um jogador de nível baixo sem muitas armas e atualizações se ele se aventurar para fora do Hermitorium. Aumente o nível até não ter problemas com o conteúdo e, então, vá para o próximo nível de Gnose. Minhas sugestões para aumentar o nível de Gnose são as seguintes.

Nível 1: Chegar a Gnosis 1 realmente aumentou a aposta em termos de dificuldade, na minha opinião. Isso provavelmente pode ser feito sempre que você tiver acesso a Volatile Witchfire.

Para o Nível 2, você deve ter um fetiche, um punhado de Mysteriums em armas, uma magia grande e pequena desbloqueada e um nível de pelo menos 20, no mínimo. Ao enfrentar inimigos aéreos maiores, é melhor ter uma arma de longo alcance nivelada em mãos.

Level 3: I recommend investing some points into Luck and aiming for levels 28–30. Make sure your preferred weapon is at least Mysterium III level, that you have a reliable set of rings, that each of your three slots is filled with a fetish, and that you have unlocked a demonic weapon that you enjoy. For your convenience, we have compiled a list of all the weapons that can be unlocked using your mirror in Witchfire. Also, before you continue on to level 3, make sure you unlock Arcana.

In Level 4, you should aim for a level of 40 or thereabouts, allocating some points to health, additional healing flasks, three fully improved weapons (you should be comfortable with the fact that demonic weapons cannot be upgraded), a fully upgraded fetish, relic, and ring, and a few high-end spells.

Returning to the Scarlet Coast for some light exploration is a must after leveling up your Gnosis. Prior to tackling the more challenging content, this will provide you with a solid overview of the newly unlocked adversaries, traps, and everything else. Not required, but it's a good idea to figure out their tells in a safe area because some of the traps and whatnot are pretty subtle.

Divinity at every level

In Witchfire, you'll find a total of ten Gnosis levels. As of this release 0.4, four out of ten stages are playable. Interacting with the additional maps you uncover during the game is essential, as the difficulty of the world beyond the Hermitorium increases with each level.

Advanced Gnosis

Carrying 12,000 volatile Witchfire is required to unlock Gnosis level 1. You won't really use all 12,000 witchfire for this unlock, but you should have it on hand when you visit the book. Locating the shipwrecks in the first two maps is the second objective.

Shipwreck sites along the Scarlet Coast

The first level of Gnosis can only be unlocked by visiting two shipwrecks:

With only level 1 Gnosis, what are your options?

Level 1 of Gnosis primarily does is increase the map's difficulty. Outside of the mirror, Gnosis 1 doesn't unlock much, although it does grant access to a number of additional weapons, fetishes, and other items. You can now use Volatile Witchfire to access certain glowing areas on the map. Hidden behind them are riches, legends, and ways to save time.

Advanced Knowledge

Level 2 of Gnosis can be unlocked with just two of the three items required, in contrast to level 1. Here are the three items on the list:

In what ways might one coerce manifestations?

To initiate a Manifestation, locate a Dangerous region on the map. Force Manifestations can be found by slaying foes in areas where red Witchfire is circulating in the air. More adversaries will materialize as a result of this, and you'll have to eliminate them all.

Location of the Shieldbearer Familiar (and strategies for vanquishing it)

On the Scarlet Coast, the Shieldbearer is your primary adversary. Entering its cave requires Gnosis level 1, therefore head to the spot on the map where a skull with a cross on top is marked. Acquire Volatile Witchfire and descend inside.

Even on Gnosis 4, the Shieldbearer isn't too difficult to kill; all you need is a top-notch weapon and some time to learn its techniques. A huge and tiny ice spell on hand will make this battle much easier, and freezing it is a fantastic approach to bring it down. For this battle, I suggest a Mysterium III Hunger, an Echo of high level, and a Frost Cone. Additionally, Mysterium III's Ring of Excreta can be incredibly useful.

First Phase: The Shieldbearer's assault is a heightened, quicker version of the Swordsman's jump move. When you approach it, it will engage in melee combat and perform acrobatic jumps. You can avoid obstacles by dash-dodging or jumping, but be careful not to run out of juice.

Section 2

At 70–80% health, the Shieldbearer will summon Revenant opponents to assault you, the exact number of which will depend on your Gnosis level. These attackers can only deal damage with melee attacks and are easy kite targets.

Phase 3 When the Shieldbearer reaches 50%, it will transform into a shield-wielding green Swordsman. Similar to the protected Swordsman, it will possess a poison bubble and be able to launch attacks using slow-moving green gooey attack balls. You must remain within the green bubble that the Shieldbearer creates in order to avoid continual damage. Once you've eliminated enough Revenants, you can move in close to the Shieldbearer. This part will be easier if you use Frost Cone or another stun.

How does Gnosis level 2 work?

In addition to the Arcana you acquire from absorbing Witchfire Manifestations, Gnosis 2 unlocks the Prophecies. Prophecies are attached to different lines of the Arcana deck, and their effects vary based on the one you select and the line it's on. In addition to granting access to several areas on the Scarlet Coast and the basement of the Wailing Tower in the center of the Isle of the Damned, this level enables you to begin preparing the Irongate Castle content for the transition to Gnosis 3.

Advanced Knowledge

Comparable to level 2, level 3 Gnosis necessitates obtaining three of the four prerequisites for advancement. Here is a rundown of what's available:

Finding Gold

On each map, you'll see ammo chests, locked chests, and unlocked chests, all of which contain gold. Finding large quantities at once is unusual, although you can locate valuable artifacts all across the landscape. You can locate them by tracing a lost spirit's path or searching for bags on the map.

Portals for Arrival

The Irongate Castle's arrival portals aren't quite like the ones in other places. No matter where you start the map, you'll spawn at the same portal. But from that point on, you'll begin in the Hermitorium if you return there through one of the many green or yellow portals. There are a total of three Arrival Portals on the Castle Map, and this is how you access one of them.

Irongate Castle: How to Locate Faithful

Located in the Castle's rear, easternmost corner, you'll find the Faithful in Irongate. A cross on the forehead of a skull serves as its emblem.

Fourth-Level Gnosis

Once you’ve mastered level 3, you can unlock level 4 of Gnosis by simply meeting three of the four conditions. Here is a rundown of some potential necessities:

If you want to beat the really tough monsters in Gnosis level 3, you should unlock Mysterium III on any weapon before you reach there.

Methods for unlocking Mirages

You can use Volatile Witchfire to unlock the Gnosis-locked barriers in Witchfire, which are called mirages. For level 4 Gnosis, only the four in Irongate Castle's Mirages will be considered. The places appear to be randomly selected, though I can't say for sure.

A well-known spot for the Irongate Castle

Located in Castle Irongate's far northwest corner is the Familiar. You must enter the southern castle through its main entrance and force your way into the throne room.

Levels of Gnosis 5–10

Os níveis 5–10 de Gnose são inexistentes conforme a atualização 0.4. Como Witchfire ainda está em sua fase de acesso antecipado, os Astronautas provavelmente estão ocupados criando mais conteúdo — incluindo uma série de inimigos desafiadores para acompanhar esses níveis mais altos de Gnose. Detalhes adicionais serão fornecidos quando esses níveis forem adicionados nas atualizações.

Então chegamos ao final deste guia explicativo, agora você já sabe como desbloquear Gnose em Witchfire, é só fazer e aproveitar ao máximo.

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