Como consertar World of Warcraft The War Within preso na tela de carregamento
Nesta postagem do guia, explicamos como consertar World of Warcraft The War Within travado na tela de carregamento.
World of Warcraft: The War Within colocou os jogadores contra uma infinidade de inimigos em Azeroth e além, proporcionando a jogabilidade mais cativante para todos os usuários. Infelizmente, um número excessivo de atualizações mais recentes deixa as pessoas correndo em círculos na tela de carregamento continuamente. De barras de carregamento intermináveis a travamentos repentinos e congelamentos irritantes, muitos desses problemas técnicos contribuíram para os problemas que destruíram completamente a experiência de expansão de tantos jogadores. Dito isto, o objetivo deste guia é esclarecer os culpados comuns e oferecer algumas soluções práticas para que você volte ao calor da situação.
Por que “World of Warcraft: The War Within” está demorando uma eternidade para carregar?
Às vezes, a tela de carregamento demora um pouco mais do que o normal em “World of Warcraft: The War Within”. Uma série de razões podem estar em jogo.
- Integridade do jogo: Muitas vezes, depende de arquivos de jogo corrompidos ou ausentes. Isso ocorre com bastante frequência quando a atualização é interrompida e o jogo não tem chance de carregar.
- Desempenho gráfico: Drivers gráficos desatualizados ou incompatíveis são um verdadeiro problema. Aqueles drivers usados diretamente para visualização gráfica de um jogo e, portanto, se usar o errado, ou o tempo de espera passa durante a tela de carregamento ou o jogo trava.
- Restrições do sistema: O computador pode não executar o "World of Warcraft: The War Within" se não atender às especificações mínimas do sistema definidas pelo jogo ou se algum outro aplicativo que consome muitos recursos estiver sendo executado em segundo plano. Pouca memória RAM ou fraco poder de processamento podem causar atrasos visíveis.
- Interferência de software: alguns desses programas em execução em segundo plano, especialmente os relacionados à segurança, às vezes interferem nos processos do jogo. Tais conflitos podem se manifestar ainda mais em problemas de tela de carregamento e até mesmo prejudicar a estabilidade do jogo.
- Problemas do lado do servidor: lembre-se sempre de que o carregamento demorado nem sempre é um problema do lado do cliente. Principalmente em picos de carga, o problema também pode surgir no servidor, onde podem aparecer atrasos universais no carregamento, que até impossibilitam a entrada nos jogos.
Como consertar World of Warcraft The War Within preso na tela de carregamento?
Não há nada mais frustrante do que uma tela de carregamento que parece durar uma eternidade quando você está apenas tentando entrar no seu jogo favorito. Felizmente, a maioria das plataformas de jogos integra essas ferramentas – por exemplo, – para verificar e reparar arquivos de jogos corrompidos, uma causa comum de problemas na tela de carregamento.
This guide will run you how to use's Scan and Repair Feature on World of Warcraft: The War Within. Be sure to replace this with the game you are having issues with. We will also go a little further with other troubleshooting if the initial scan does not work.
Search for and launch the desktop application. Sign into your account. After being logged in, proceed to your game library and locate "World of Warcraft: The War Within" (or your game's title). It could be easiest on the very front page, or perhaps it's under a "Games" tab.
Open the Options Arsenal Click on the game icon, then "Options" section. This might be a gear icon or three dots depending on the interface. Click it and choose the "Scan and Repair" option.
- Let the Scan Do Its Magic: Follow on-screen instructions to start the scan. It will carefully look over your game files for any lost or corrupt data. Once again, do not go anywhere—the scan is doing its magic.
- Automatic Repair to the Rescue: After scanning, it replaces the corrupted files itself. It would likely take some time, depending upon the size of the game and the extent of the damage.
Beyond the Scan: Other Troubleshooting Techniques
Though the scan and repair tool for a first time is good, for the loading screen to still be the same, several other methods can be used:
- The Power of a Restart: This loading screen issue might be caused by temporary glitches, which can be easily cleared off by a simple restart. Done within moments, this is undoubtedly a simple solution that is often forgotten.
- Keeping Informed Is Key: Ensure that both the game and are updated to the latest patch. There is a certain tendency of most developers to release patches that fix bugs and bring more stability overall. Outdated software sometimes causes compatibility issues and loading problems.
- Free up the Space for Fun: Make sure you have enough free space available on your game-installed drive. Low space can create numerous issues like troubles while loading the game file itself. Try freeing up some space and see if the issue gets done with.
As a last resort, you can always reinstall the game. The whole process will thoroughly replace all the game files—this might do away with deeply-rooted corruption files. Please note that reinstallation is a time-consuming process, so ideally try all the above methods to repair the game.
Boost gaming performance: update video drivers
Having problems with your loading screen or anything pertaining to game performance? It's probably because of an outdated graphics driver, too. This boosts a lot of improvement in one's gaming experience.
Here's how you can do it.
- Determine What Graphics Card You Have: You may have an NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel graphics card.
- Get to Ypur Manufacturer's Site: You need to locate the official site of your graphics card brand.
- New driver download: Download the latest drivers that are tailor-made for your graphics card model.
- Reboot; Install: Reboot your computer to install downloaded drivers.
Experienceyour best game playever.
Hosting numerous programs at the same time may eventually slow your computer down, resulting in either frozen games or long loading times. Close irrelevant apps; even with those which are using the least of resources, at least you free some more resources for your game.
To do that, you can:
- Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc.
- Point out resource hogs: Transfer to the tab which is labeled 'Processes' and half look around for other programs like web browsers and video players.
- Close Any Apps Not in Use: Click the app and then click "End Task."
- Retry: Reload your game and see if the error persists.
Optimize Game Performance: Increase Virtual Memory
If the game is just too heavy for your system to handle, you can increase your virtual memory to compensate it. In other words, you'll provide plenty of extra temporary storage to your system, stopping slowdowns and load screen freezes.
Here is how you do it:
- System Settings: Open your control panel of the system, then click on system settings.
- Advanced Settings: Look for the advanced system settings and open it.
- Virtual Memory Configuration: Look for the virtual memory settings and open them for modification.
- Virtual Memory Customization: Uncheck the checkbox that reads "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives" and click the drive where you have your game.
- Provide Custom size limits: Set your computer's virtual memory to some reasonable value for the initial and maximum size. The preferred is to be set to 1.5 times of RAM in your system up to a maximum of 3 times.
- Apply changes. Save settings and restart your PC.
- Once rebooted, open the game and have the high-level optimized experience.
Basic Optimization of Your Game Settings for Better Performance
Is your game stuttering or crashing? It may be that your system is not quite managing the graphics. Let's tone those down!
Here's how:
- Open up "World of Warcraft: The War Within" and head into the Options or Settings menu.
- Downgrade the Graphics: Lower visual settings, like resolution, texture detail, and shadows.
- Things Should Be Simple: Stop extras like V-Sync and Anti-Aliasing, which can be big hogs.
- Save and Restart: Save your changes and restart the game to see if it runs smoother.
This is all you need to know about How to Fix World of Warcraft The War Within Stuck on Loading Screen, you just need to apply one of the solutions described and that's it.
desenvolvido por: Blizzard Entertainment
distribuido por: Blizzard Entertainment