Como completar a missão principal Terminus em Black Ops 6 Zombies



Hoje trazemos para você um guia explicativo sobre como completar a missão principal Terminus em Black Ops 6 Zombies com detalhes precisos.

Em Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies, os membros do Ex-Requiem estão buscando vingança contra o Diretor Edward "Eddie" Richtofen. A aventura deles começa com fugas da prisão e encontros com monstros espreitando no mar ao redor da Ilha Terminus. Prepare-se para aproveitar o Easter Egg da missão principal Zombies em Terminus para Black Ops 6!

Black Ops 6 Zombies: Como completar a missão principal Terminus

Reúna o Beam Smasher como primeiro passo.

Os jogadores precisam ter obtido o Beamsmasher, a Wonder Weapon situada na Ilha Terminus, antes de começar a Terminus Main Quest. O Beamsmasher pode ser obtido pelos jogadores através da Wonderbar ou girando a Mystery Box, dependendo da sorte deles! Chiclete. Outra opção é os jogadores criarem o Beam Smasher, o que pode ser feito da seguinte forma:

  • Ligue o Pack-a-Punch ativando os AMPs.
  • Ligue três computadores:
  • Longe do Armazém
  • Nível avançado de comunicações externas
  • Em frente à Torre do Mar, no Cais
  • O Elemental Pop pode ser encontrado na Sea Tower; para obter o Multiphasic Resonator, você precisa abrir uma maleta que tem uma mão presa a ela.
  • Equipe-se com um Deadwire Ammo Mod e mire-o no circuito elétrico localizado no vidro quebrado do Inclined Lift subindo do Bio Lab. Trace o circuito para localizar outras caixas elétricas.
  • Depois de libertar o zumbi de suas algemas no Escritório de Pesquisa do Rec Yard, pegue o EMF Fob.
  • Use o computador no escritório de pesquisa duas vezes.
  • Você pode obter o código para usar no computador do Escritório de Pesquisa pagando 5.000 Essências a Peck na Estação de Guarda.
  • Quando a Rodada terminar, vá para a ilha que o computador indicou e configure o Ressonador Multifásico próximo à bola brilhante. Se você conseguir matar um dos zumbis que aparecem infinitamente, você ganhará um pickup que brilha na mesma cor que o orbe e pode ser colocado nele duas vezes. Os jogadores devem recuperar o Ressonador Multifásico em cada nova ilha e continuar esse processo até chegarem a uma que tenha a Munição AMP, momento em que o orbe flutuará para uma ilha diferente.
  • Retorne ao Escritório de Pesquisa e use a bancada para construir o Beamsmasher gratuito segurando o botão de interação.

Fase 2: Pegue o disco rígido e entregue-o ao Peck

After obtaining the DRI-11 Beamsmasher, players must proceed to the Bio Labs. You can buy a Tentacle Trap for 750 Essence from the wall along the wall of the Bio Labs, which is located within the two doors that go to Speed Cola or PhD Flopper. Once players have acquired the Tentacle Trap, they can fire the beam at the tentacles using the regular attack of the Beamsmasher (R2/RT/Left-Click). A hard drive should emerge from the tentacles if everything is done successfully. Since the spot is completely at random, you might as well attempt the Speed Cola room if the Hard Drive doesn't show up in the Tentacle Trap outside PhD Flopper's door. After the hard drive has fallen, use the interact button to pick it up.

Players can find Peck and Strauss in the control room at the Guard Station, which is where they spawn. Once they have the Hard Drive, they must return there. Put the hard drive into the guard station's drop box to get access to the bio lab's central containment unit, where Maya's brother Nathan is kept. To find Nathan, visit the Bio Lab and use the central cylinder to access him. After that, you can set him free.

The third step is to locate the codes for Nathan's container.

In order to liberate Nathan, players must gather three numbers in a precise order as part of the Terminus easter egg mission. Here is the sequence in which you can find these codes:

First and foremost

In the interrogation room where Quick Revive is stationed, find the caged wall and the chair in the middle, which is covered in blood. Notice the hour hand on the clock on the back wall; it will be the first number.

Second in line

Players can reach the Mess Hall by going along the same path that leads to the Interrogation Rooms. A playing card is fastened to a wooden pinboard on the east wall. As for the second number, commit it to memory by looking at the one on the playing card.

Third position

You can find the third and last number in the Engineering room, not far from where you can get Juggernog. A white box with the words "Safety First: Days Since Last Injury" printed on it can be found near the rear of the northeast wall. The third and last number that players require is that one.

Once players have these numbers, they can return to Nathan's unit in the Bio Lab and input them in the correct sequence as mentioned earlier to unlock the containment unit.

You should be well-equipped with perks, armor, and Pack-a-Punched weaponry, because a boss encounter will commence after the following stage involving the valves on Nathan's containment unit.

Once players are prepared, they can lock themselves or their allies into the Bio Lab and start a boss fight by holding the interact button on one of four valves located below Nathan's control unit.

Fourth, win the key card by defeating Nathan in the bio lab.

While Nathan pursues players, an endless stream of zombies will keep flooding the Bio Lab. When Nathan has more health, he behaves similarly to the standard Amalgam mini-boss. Staying mobile and using powerful weapons like the Wonder Weapon or weapons that are hard-hitting or fast-firing that have been improved with Salvage or the Pack-a-Punch are the greatest strategies to defeat Nathan in Terminus. Keep in mind that Nathan will eat other zombies to heal himself, so it's best to avoid an overabundance of the undead if you want to stay alive and kill him.

Following Nathan's death, a cutscene will play. Afterwards, players should dive into the sea below the Bio Labs. There, they can swim to the south-west and north-west, and they can collect a Key Card by swimming to the right of Pack-a-Punch. In the Communications room, on the upper floor, players can use this key card to access a computer terminal with green writing that is facing the wall. When you try to do anything on the computer, a "Network Connection Error" warning will pop up.

Step 5: Install Node Connectors on the Computer

Players should take a boat and explore the sunken ship after seeing the "Network Connection Error" notification on the PC. You can find a ladder that goes into a Workshop room beneath the sunken ship. You can find some Node Connectors inside the Workshop. A lockdown will be initiated the moment you take them. Keep in mind that Node Connectors are susceptible to dropping and that individuals carrying them are unable to sprint during executing the lockdown.

Once they have dispatched every zombie that appears during the lockout, the ladder leading back to their boat's dock will be unlocked. Getting to Crab Island, which is in the South Island, is as easy as picking up the Node Connector. The Node Connector can be inserted into the slot that is located across from the Workbench. Hold down the interact button once the Node Connector has been picked up in order to set it in place. If this seat is already taken, then two more will be available.

Return to the main Terminus Island by boat to reach the second Node Connector position, which is just beneath the Sea Tower. With a total of two Node Connectors, players must link nodes.

Return to the main island of Terminus and explore the Sea Caves on the Speed Cola side; there you will find the third place to complete the Node Connector. Another spot to set up the Node Connector may be seen here, facing a wall. Players can retrieve the Hacking Device from the deposit box located at the Guard Station, where Peck is expected to be.

Step 6: Disarm the Bombs and Hack the Buoys

A timed event will begin at the beginning of this primary quest stage, so make sure you have the greatest weapons, perks, and shields. Monkey Bombs or LT53 Kazimirs are also suggested.

Put the Hacking Device on one of the three Buoys off the coast of Terminus Island to begin this stage. The objective is to navigate the sea in a boat and find buoys, which are marked by parasites that live in the area. While waiting for the hacking to finish, press the interact button while submerged at one buoy to get the hacking device. A timed event will start at this point and last for about two minutes. Once you've located the first buoy, the other two can be easily located by following the island's circumference in an anticlockwise orientation. If the Buoys Losing Connection timer is still visible to players, it indicates that they have missed another buoy.

Players should return to the Bio Lab as soon as possible after hacking all of the buoys, since time is of the essence. Once the brief conversation is completed, players will have just five minutes to finish the Bomb Detonation stage before the game ends. Holding the interact button on each of the three bombs in the Bio Lab for ten to fifteen seconds will disarm them. No need to keep pressing the interact button for the whole progress meter; it saves automatically.

Once you've made your way through the Bio Lab, peek through the open doors and windows to discover two bombs on the lower levels and one on the center. Since a never-ending slew of zombies and mini-boss foes will emerge to impede progress, it's recommended to defuse with Monkey Bombs first. There is a 5-minute time limit, therefore if you're in a team, make sure everyone has guns or tactical gear that can distract zombies or protect the operator defusing the bombs.

The Bomb Detonation timer will stop and all of the purple-eyed zombies will die after all three explosives have been deactivated. Players are now prepared for the last stage, the boss encounter. Do not feel rushed into starting the boss fight right away; it is crucial that players begin with the finest equipment and loadout available. If you'd like to come back to this later and do greater preparation, you can save and exit now.

Players can access the boss area by descending to the Bio Lab's lower floors and interacting with the slightly ajar door next to Melee Macchiato.

Seventh Step: Conquer Patient 13, the Battle with the Terminus Boss

Professor Flopper, Deadshot Daquiri, Juggernog, and Tier 3 Pack-a-Punched Wonder Weapons are some of the recommended loadout items.

Um campo de batalha quadrado e oco aguarda os jogadores enquanto eles enfrentam o Paciente 13, uma luta de chefe inspirada em Cthulhu. Neste encontro com o chefe, há alguns detalhes para manter em mente, como como causar dano ao Paciente 13 e quais ataques evitar. Ao longo deste encontro com o chefe, zumbis aparecerão constantemente, e você pode encontrar uma caixa de munição perto da parte traseira da arena para reabastecer seus suprimentos.

Há três estágios na batalha contra o chefe do Paciente 13, o primeiro dos quais é o mais fácil. O Paciente 13 vai bater na frente da arena com os tentáculos que estão em suas costas. À distância, você verá o chefe cercado por tentáculos que liberam ataques de raios gasosos. Você precisa mirar nas lâmpadas vermelhas que aparecem nos ombros do chefe e atirar nelas se quiser machucá-lo. Para antecipar melhor quando se mover e quando atirar, é útil ficar de olho nos padrões de dano. O Paciente 13 vai mergulhar quando dano suficiente tiver sido feito.

Os jogadores devem derrotar os zumbis mini-chefes recém-produzidos para desbloquear a segunda fase. Semelhante à primeira fase, esta envolve identificar os locais de dano; no entanto, desta vez eles estarão localizados na boca do Paciente 13. Na parte de trás da arena, o Paciente 13 também utilizará sua língua; ao atirar na boca, tente evitá-la. A fase três começará assim que dano suficiente for causado.

Durante a terceira fase do Paciente 13, ele será cercado por um campo elétrico e as laterais da arena serão bloqueadas. Fique escondido até que o chefe invoque um orbe elétrico e então espere que ele exploda. Para causar dano ao chefe na terceira fase, mire seus tiros em suas bolhas vermelhas, olhos azuis brilhantes ou boca aberta.

Quando o chefe morrer, uma cena será reproduzida e a missão principal do Terminus estará encerrada!

Benefícios da missão principal do Terminus

Quando os jogadores retornarem à tela do lobby, eles terão obtido dois prêmios especiais que demonstram sua perícia na Ilha Terminus.

  • A skin de Operador Colecionador de Troféus Maya será o prêmio inicial.
  • O segundo prêmio é o Terminus Quest Complete Calling Card. Se você conseguir terminá-lo durante a semana de lançamento, ele terá uma caveira dourada no canto inferior direito.

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