Daniel Hidalgo
2019-07-17 13:37:31

Nothing better to be sufficiently prepared in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) than to know what is the Best Assassin Team Comp and is what you know today.

If you are looking to position yourself above your enemies, the best option you can consider is to build the Best Assassin Team Comp team for Teamfight Tactics (TFT). Arming the Best Assassin Team Comp for Teamfight Tactics (TFT) will allow you to jump to the baseline of the enemy's board when the battle starts, and if your enemy is not prepared to deal with this, you can inflict a crushing amount of damage in its less powerful damage dealers.

Team to get the Best Assassin Team Comp in Teamfight Tactics (TFT).

If you can unlock at least six of these eight assassins, you can get a bonus of 350% damage per critical hit, and we recommend keeping your team in the last and in the middle row, this will allow you to be more covered in enemy damage and allows to jump to the opponent's line more easily.

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How to use the temporary game with the Best Assassin Team Comp in Teamfight Tactics (TFT).

Once you have the Best Assassin Team Comp in Teamfight Tactics (TFT), the first articles that you have to look for in the late game are BF Swords and Recurve Bows.

Then if you get a sword, use the Tear of the Goddess to make Sho'jin Spear suitable for Pyke. Swords are also a good choice for Zed and Infinity Edge. The bow is a good choice for Rapid Firecannon, Phantom Dancer and Zed.

To find Zed and Pyke you will have to do it in the game to start, in the case of Khazix there is really nothing complicated to do with him as well as Hazix and Shen. Add a Ninja to the board to get the bonus and get the most out of it, although you can place two of the same ninja to get the benefit without counting for synergy.

If you are finding it difficult to find killers in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) to make the Best Assassin Team Comp team you can run Void as an alternative. You can also run Kassadin and Rek'Sai during the competition if you want to benefit from Void. Whereas if you execute atarina and Darius you can get the Imperial benefit.

By the way, Katarina is also a very good option to make the Best Assassin Team Comp in Teamfight Tactics (TFT). If you want to stack elements Pyke and Zed will be your best option.

Halfway through time, having the Best Assassin Team Comp in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) will allow you to see very good results, and if you add a good RNG to it, the road to victory is yours alone. However, we recommend you level up as fast as you can to get the benefit of six assassins, allowing you to get an overwhelming amount of damage a good level of dps.

However, at that point you still can not get the full Ninja so you'll have to stay with only one, although Katarina Kennen or Akali can replace it at least until you get it.

How to use the late game with the Best Assassin Team Comp in Teamfight Tactics (TFT).

Getting two spatulas will allow you to achieve a high level of Force of Nature which will allow you to fill the Ninjas at one point.

Discard Katarina and include the Ninjas and try to do everything possible to get the three stars in your units, keep in mind that everything that is greater than three stars will be more complicated when updating and maybe the two stars are the best option a few times.