Ambar Jimenez
2019-09-24 10:26:00

Do you want to know how to find physical aggression redirector implant in Surge 2? Look no further, here we will show you how to do it.

Implants are basically those that allow you to modify your character in The Surge 2, making them more powerful. This time we will be talking about physical aggression redirector implant, which could make things easier for you during clashes with your enemies, so if you want to know how to find it, then stay with us.
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How to find physical aggression redirector implant in Surge 2?

As a prerequisite you must have progressed to Jericho City. When you are at that point, you will have to go to the bridge that has the enemy of double task, which are located on the top of a platform. Upon expiration, you will be enabled to hook physical aggression redirector implant.

Physical Aggression Redirector Implant Advantages

  • Improve your concentration level.
  • Offers automatic orientation enhancements of body parts.
  • Optimize your oscillations. This allows you to hit your enemy's limb 100% of the time.

Now that you know how to find the physical aggression redirector implant in Surge 2, it's time to get yours.