Lidia Rozo
2019-10-23 19:05:55

The guide we are going to have below has as priority to explain the endings guide - Normal, bad and good terminations of Spirit Hunter

 There are 3 different endings, where each has a different pattern, we can choose which to do, the endings are normal, good and bad, so now we will have more details of each of these endings that we can choose in Spirit Hunter NG, we will also find in this endings guide which will be the most indicated.

endings guide possible in Spirit Hunter NG

The good

    In this end we will have two choices one is to save Hazuki in the chapter Kubitarou of Kintoki and the other is to save Amanome in this same chapter, because if we want to achieve a good end we must make everyone at the end are alive, this includes these 2, for that reason we must complete their unique events to make the end good.


Read Also:

The normal

    This is achieved simply by letting one of the two characters die at the end, whether Amanome or Hazuki, which means that whatever the choice is going to lead us to get the normal end, just choose who and ready.

    The bad

    for obvious reasons this must be the worst case scenario, making both characters get to die and if that's what we want, Amanome and Hazuki must die at the end, but for that to be possible for Rose Mulan we must choose 3 possible options to get the worst possible end, we must kill Rose Mulan, Option 1 we are going to have in the chapter where he survived and that is the Author of the cry, to purify the spirit we must join Rose in the chapter Screaming Author, so that we manage to destroy the spirit we must reach the chapter Killer Peach and thus obtain the bad end thanks to the death of Rose Mulan.

 End of the guide, we hope it will be of your understanding and utility to understand how the endings work in Spirit Hunter NG through this endings guide.