Ambar Jimenez
2019-03-05 20:20:27

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Since his arrival Kingdom Hearts has managed to get many fans catching them in his interesting action RPG.

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Kingdom Hearts III 'Free VR was released on February 28 and as we said completely free for PlayStation VR, the title has a fairly short but interesting story that will allow players to experience an incredible adventure.

The announcement that Sony had prepared for last Christmas said: "Gather your friends and family to enjoy a free 10-minute interactive video with the iconic and impressive music of the series, although we will not spoil exactly what you will experience, we can confirm You can also unlock new content as you continue to play. "

You must bear in mind that Kingdom Hearts III VR is not really a video game, but an experience that counts with the classic music of the series and that lasts approximately 10 minutes, this virtual reality experience what you are looking for is to summarize what this is about franchise and relive what has happened so far.

Kingdom Hearts III VR is now available on the PlayStation Store, both in the free and virtual reality section and is available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

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video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam