Daniel Hidalgo
2019-10-07 16:34:52

If you want to go far in Ghost Recon Breakpoint you will want to know how to get skills, so we have prepared this guide with everything you need

What skills to use in Ghost Recon Breakpoint?

This will basically depend on the class you use. As we mentioned earlier in another of our guides, each class is made up of a series of class-specific skills and the skills are divided into active and passive.
If you want to have a recommendation of skills, there really isn't one as such, everything will depend as we already mentioned on the class you use and within each class, on the way you play. There are no bad or good skills, but one more suitable for certain types of players than others.

How to get skills in Ghost Recon Breakpoint?

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To get any new skills in the game, you will need to earn skill points which you can get as you play.

Once you have a certain amount of skill points, go to the main menu by pressing the options button if you are a PlayStation 4 user or the Menu button if you are an Xbox One user.

Then use the L1 or R1 buttons on PS4, or the LB and RB buttons for Xbox you can open the skills section and you can select the skills you want to buy according to the number of points you have on hand.

We hope that our guide on how to obtain new skills for Ghost Recon Breakpoint will be easy to follow and very useful so that in this way you can get a lot of profit and fun to the game.

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video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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