Jonathan Martinez
2019-01-11 18:35:04

Capcom has announced that the collaborative event "Monster Hunter: World x The Witcher 3", which would bring Geralt de Rivia to the world of the hunting saga in its latest installment, will be available on PS4 and Xbox One next February 8.

As happened with other licenses such as Devil May Cry, Horizon: Zero Dawn or Mega Man, among many others, the protagonist of the work of CD Projet RED will seek to boost the appeal of the game around the world now that they have exceeded 10 million units sold and the year 2019 is faced with the goal of having prepared for the next autumn the great Iceborne expansion.

In this way, Geralt can be used as a playable character in the New World, so we can make us with their outfits, weapons and armor through different missions available in Astera. In case anyone asks, this update is completely free of charge, so no player will have to pay to access it.

Another recent collaboration is that of Bayek and Ezio, of Assassin's Creed, who also join the Capcom title. Monster Hunter: World was consecrated as one of the great surprises of 2018. It is also among our 25 best games of the year and candidate for GOTY, a return of the saga to desktop consoles (which has been the entry into the franchise of millions of new users, breaking sales records never before seen in the West.

The creators of Monster Hunter World announce in a live all the news that will reach the title in the coming months, which are not few. Let's go on to detail all the additions to the title of Capcom, which was one of the nominees for the Game Awards that were held a few days ago.

Collaboration with The Witcher 

"A new collaboration comes to Monster Hunter: world players take over Geralt of Rivia, a professional monster killer equipped with superhuman strength and reflexes, and take them to a series of missions inspired by Witcher. These offer a unique gaming experience that combines the RPG mechanics of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt with the game systems of Monster Hunter: World, "says the official press release.

Therefore, as we previously saw with other sagas such as Mega Man, Devil May Cry and Horizon: Zero Dawn, it will be a temporary event in which we can embark on missions inspired by The Witcher, apparently embodying Geralt. Of course, we will have to see if it is finally a skin, a new character that we can maintain after the event and the rest of the details that make up the collaboration.

Great expansion and other new features 

On the occasion of completing one year (at the end of January 2019) there will be a special event in the title called Appreciation Fest, of which we still do not have many details beyond which will celebrate the anniversary of the title by bringing a party to the base of the hunters.

On the other hand, has been presented in the fall of 2019 a large expansion for the title called Iceborne, which will add a new history, missions and territories to the title. There is not yet much information apart from your ad trailer, so we will be attentive for any new details.

Finally, a free trial version that will include missions up to rank 4 has been announced, will save the progress of the final version and will allow using the online mode. The test will be available from December 11 at 4 pm until December 17 at 3.59 pm.

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