Ysabela Evans
2019-02-11 17:04:47

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The Far Cry saga through Ubisoft is close to making its ninth release, which will be 17 years after one of the final that could be obtained in the previous video game. This is how the Far Cry New Dawn Superbloom Edition intends to take its players by the hand through a post-apocalyptic adventure with a more hopeless aesthetic of Hope County in the Mad Max style.

Far Cry New Dawn: Official World Premiere Gameplay Trailer | Ubisoft

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With so many things to talk about this upcoming release, there is nothing left but to start unveiling the details we know about the game:

 When will you get to Far Cry New Dawn Superbloom Edition stores?

Less than a year after the release of the previous title of the Far Cry series, users of both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and PC will be able to get their hands on this new Far Cry New Dawn Superbloom Edition, as it will hit stores on the 15th February 2019.

What will be the editions of Far Cry New Dawn?

Far Cry New Dawn Superbloom Edition will be released in just two editions to the market, the standard edition and the Deluxe edition, something that could surprise, because Ubisoft is accustomed to its followers by the multiple editions that they usually bring to the market when they launch a title considered " Big's".

The standard edition will go on sale with a price of $ 39.99 / £ 37.99 / € 44.99 without any addition to the base game.

On the other hand, we can find the Deluxe edition with three DLC offers that include the RETRO WEAPONS PACK, the KNIGHT PACK and the HURK LEGACY PACK for the price of $ 49.99 / £ 45.99 / € 54.99.

Each of these packages contains unique weaponry, so the RETRO WEAPONS PACK brings an M113M shotgun and an RA4 missile launcher. The HURK LEGACY PACK, comes with a Wrath M249, a Legacy Offroader vehicle and the Hurkling suits. Finally, the KNIGHT PACK will leave at your disposal the Sidecar motorcycle and a Claymore SVD rifle.

To these two editions we must add the Far Cry New Dawn Superbloom Edition, edition that will only be available for purchase in stores of the GAME chain, this will offer the player the following additions: Exclusive appearance of machine gun: M249 "Ira de Hurk" , exclusive appearance of vehicle: SUV "Legacy of Hurk" and finally an exclusive costume for your character: "Atuendo de Hurk". Something that makes this Superbloom Edition very special for the player.

It should be added that by reserving the game in GAME you will obtain the "Unicorn Strike" DLC with an exclusive vehicle.

What do we know so far about this new Far Cry?

As mentioned above, the story of the Far Cry New Dawn Superbloom Edition will be a direct sequel to Far Cry 5, as the events will occur 17 years after The Collapse at the end of the previous title.

The player who takes command of the protagonist will focus on Prosperity, a base of operations from which new weapons, vehicles and more can be obtained. Also Guns for Hire and Fangs for Hire will return from Far Cry 5.

The map according to the developers of the title will have a huge size to be explored.

We also know from the game page that at least on Xbox One it will have a weight of 22.77 GB which would be a little more than 10 GB less than the previous release, on the other hand, the PC version will be available with a weight 30 GB on Steam. As for the PlayStation 4 we could count on that the weight should not be far from that of the Xbox version. This without counting the additional downloadable content.

What will the game mode be like?

Far Cry New Dawn Superbloom Edition will be a first-person shooter (FPS), which apparently could adopt something more RPG element in terms of the improvement and construction of the main character, also adopting a deeper mechanics when administering the main settlement.

We know that we will have multiple allies, both humans and animals, and these will be available as we move through the world that Far Cry New Dawn Superbloom Edition will present, this last should be explored to get better and create from weapons to vehicles and other surprises that we will have prepared.

Are there trailers for this Ubisoft delivery?

Ubisoft wanted to show the great adventure that has prepared us through numerous trailers that show that incredible world that awaits us.
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