Lidia Rozo
2021-07-29 21:17:38

We invite you to know all the answers of the flying duel with Ake for Sigrblot Festival in this Assassin's Creed Valhalla guide.

What is the need to know all the answers of the flying duel with Ake for Sigrblot Festival in Assassin's Creed Valhalla?


 This game has for us many adventures where the fighting is a fundamental piece, in this sense, it is necessary to know the answers to get out of the fights successfully, these come to be a respite in the middle of a fight, they are just a play on words who come to fulfill a particular function and cannot be avoided.


What are all the responses of the flying duel with Ake for Sigrblot Festival in Assassin's Creed Valhalla?

  •  It is necessary to execute a bet with Ake and for this we must select "I accept you".
  • The bet that we can make can be small that implies 20, medium that implies 50 or large that implies 100.


 Once we start the bet, it becomes necessary little by little to know all the answers of the flying duel with Ake for Sigrblot Festival belonging to the Flyting duel, and they are these:


 Ake starts the conversation by saying:


 I'm the toughest, the toughest, the biggest, the best! If you think my ale is good, put my fists to the test!
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  • The response to be generated is: While I fight and bleed. You turn honey into mead.


 Eivor here usually says: I cross lands and oceans, I fight, and I bleed. You just sit on your ass, turning honey into mead.


 Ake appreciates this achieved response and takes the opportunity to limit: Because I don't boast or show off like you! Do you think being an apprentice is all I can do?


  •  The answer here is: A quiet life is the one you choose. I draw blood, you take care of your concoctions!


 Stating Eivor like this: Well, a quieter life seems like a smart choice. While I draw blood, you are at home taking care of your beers.


 Obviously this usually generates a kind of response from Ake where he says: You don't know who I am, don't doubt my abilities! This is more than just ingenuity, it is a battle of wills!


  •  The answer to indicate here is: You are drunk or crazy, with a great putrefaction in your brain.

In this sense, Eivor takes the opportunity to say: If you think you can beat me, you are drunk or crazy. I am the cure for the beers you have rotting your brain.


 Regarding the statement made by Eivor Ake says to conclude: Now you are testing my patience, so I will end here: You are as thick and weak as a bad ale.

  •  This allows us to generate a final response where we will say: In due time, you will be skilled, Until then, wait, lest they kill you.

 Once the responses have been generated, fulfilling the mission "Fight or fly" in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Ake will have nothing more to do, to admire and that is where we will take the opportunity to raise the tone with a very clear and accurate answer to conclude the mission and win the respective festival tokens.


In this sense, knowing all the answers of the flying duel with Ake for Sigrblot Festival allows us to work on a mission where we will demonstrate why we are above Ake in Assassin's Creed Valhalla

AC Valhalla
PlayStation 4 PS4, PlayStation 5 PS5, Xbox One, Xbox series x, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows PC
Action role-playing RPG
Ubisoft Montreal
Ubisoft, PlayStation Store, Uplay, Microsoft, Epic Games Store, Stadia
AnvilNext 2.0
Release date:
November 10, 2020
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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