Daniel Hidalgo
2022-07-27 21:37:02

If you still don't know how to get a WB Games account for MultiVersus, just read the following article, because it covers everything you need to know.

What is the WB Games account for MultiVersus?

This is an wb account that you'll have to create to be able to play this title. But if you don't know how to get a wb games account, all you have to do is pay attention and continue reading. this is important to ask why can't i make a wb games account

How to get a WB Games account for MultiVersus from the browser in https //

When you start the game for the first time, you will have to answer how old you are and you will have to be of legal age to be able to accept the terms and conditions. After that, you will be asked to create a account wb games, in case there isn't one linked to your Steam, Epic Games, PlayStation or Xbox profile.

If you want to do it from your mobile device, you will have to scan the on-screen QR code with your device's camera, which will allow you to access the WB website to set up the account. You can also access it from any browser using the address: code

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On the browser page you will need to enter the game's device code, an eight-character code on the left side of the game's menu that will allow you to link your game to your account. In case of any error you will have to select "Update device token" to generate a new code or QR.

When you enter the main account creation page, you will have to select "No, create a new account".

In this part you will have to enter your date of birth, an email address and at the end, you will be able to change the default name you are given, and finally confirm.

Regardless of whether you are a Steam or Epic Games user, the page will automatically detect it and choose your launcher.

How to get a WB Games account for MultiVersus from console?

If you are a console user, you will have to select the platform you prefer. The good thing is that the game supports cross-play and progression.

That's all you need to know about how to get a WB Games account for MultiVersus, so now that we've reached the final part of this guide, we hope you'll manage to create your account quickly, so you can start playing as soon as possible.