Lidia Rozo
2019-07-22 18:42:44

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See you again in these parts with another small post to teach you how to defeat the final boss in the game Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.

In general terms it is necessary to emphasize that the game Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 ends with the fight against the boss clear, this normally must occur already being quite advanced in the levels, this means that your team of players must be good enough so that you can defeat To the boss, the ideal is that these characters are those who have much higher skills.

How to Defeat the final boss in the last battle

In the last battle of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 we have two possible alternatives to defeat the final boss, in the first instance we think that it is thanos could be the final boss, but as the combat progresses we will know that it is not like that, that is our more Big enemy in the game has not yet arrived, one of these options is to play with a character that is really good as Luke Cage or Captain American.

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To defeat the final boss, you have to finish with thanos

Naturally thanos is a character that tends to change energy constantly which makes it a somewhat complex character, remember that thanos stays in motion and if you do not focus it could be a negative point for you and this will leave you out of place for reach the goal and be able to defeat the final boss in the game.

Keep in mind that it is very necessary to maintain melee attacks to make that a bit slow and while this happens our characters who have died can be resurrected, as you will understand to relive them it is very necessary that the system of life measures this full, on the other hand you do not necessarily have to constantly attack thanos, you can dodge the blows because this is just a fight to measure yourself, to know how much you will manage to resist, the main problem has not arrived until this moment, anyway it keeps attacking little by little but constant and in this way there is a point where you will achieve your goal and topple thanos in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, once you achieve this, it will give you a step so you can defeat the final boss.

Turning Thanos into our ally

As you have already knocked down Thanos, now you will become part of your team because the next enemy to beat will be his son Thane, he also likes hand-to-hand combat, only you will have some experience because you have lived in the previous battle, You should be aware that because you will tend to attack in different ways one of them is to knock down the crystals of infinity, which causes considerable changes in the place of the fight.

Changing location during the battle and defeating Thane

When you bring for example the infinite blue crystal creates dangerous blue wells because they seek to absorb you and have special effects such as teleportation, so you must be alert and prepare to avoid them, on the other hand, thanks to their crystals, gain new powers how to make copies of himself, you must eliminate them also get through another yellow crystal make a whirlwind which causes your character to be confused, among the ideas that occur to thane includes a purple crystal that causes a huge explosion in the game Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, remember that at this point of the game you should already be well advanced in terms of levels, so do not be scared if you notice that a thanos comes up with the idea of ​​using all these scrambled attacks, just concentrate on do what is possible so that they do not touch you, that does try as much as possible to hit thane so that it wobbles, rec so that the health of your adversary is little this does not mean that the battle is over yet, because the boss is usually revived using a bit of life when he uses the stone of the soul, that if he opens his eyes well because the attacks that seek to throw they will be faster which makes it difficult to avoid them at this stage of the fight, which will make you use everything around you constantly, including synergy attacks so that you can break the bar of steps and generate total pressure against of the adversary so that you can cause him the greatest possible damage and finally defeat the final boss that is in the game Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.

We appreciate the reading of our guides and hope that this time, this article has been helpful for you to defeat the final boss once you are playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.

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