Ambar Jimenez
2023-03-29 09:54:31

The Mobile Number Portability (MNP) lookup asks for the porting status of any international number. That is, it is queried with which network operator the number is currently hosted. The point behind this is that customers often keep using their old number when changing network operators and port it to a new operator. And according to this situation the problem with correct routing and clean database of phone numbers arises. The solution for this is MNP Lookup service. Let’s find out what this is and why you need to use it?

What is MNP Lookup service?

According to the words above, mobile number portability (MNP) is a service of transferring a mobile number with its complete preservation (together with the code) when switching to another mobile operator. And MNP Lookup service provides up-to-date identification of current hosting mobile networks with an easy API or web application. It enables the possibility for aggregators and enterprises to detect if a number is ported, superfast and reliably.

Sempico Solutions HLR Lookup Service makes the whole procedure of number portability lookup simplifies speed and simple and helps your customers increase traffic quality by avoiding wrong traffic routing.

It is the ideal solution for: MNOs, MVNOs, Voice carriers, SMS aggregators, OTTs, CPaas Providers and Enterprises. 

How it works?         

Commonly it is better to use one API for querying MNP as it is fast to access every recipient worldwide. The speed of lookups is more than fast, some services are able to make it with more than 1.000 queries/sec. Also this service is really flexible, it is easy to configure as it supports HTTPs (JSON) and ENUM protocols. Moreover, the services that provide mobile number portability lookup have wide coverage. So you don’t need to worry if you have an international database of numbers whether it is possible to cover with one service.

After the request you get accurate mobile number information that is ready to use for the database updating. You get high-speed access to complete MSISDN information:

  • MCC, MNC, Operator Name, does the number ported or not.
  • What does the process of MNP lookup look like?
  • First step: Accessing to the complete MSISDN data
  • Second step: Identifying the true hosting mobile operator
  • Last step: Making cost-vise routing decisions

Why it matters?        

If you as an aggregator or enterprise want to be at the top of the market, you need to pay special attention to MNP lookup. The cross-check on portability of your existing numbers, successfully identifying the true hosting mobile operator will help you to make cost-vise routing decisions. As it provides real-time MSISDN information, you can set up routing in such a way that makes it more efficient and your delivery rate will be close to 100%. Moreover, it reduces costs coming from wrong operator termination because there are less chances to access the wrong recipient. As a result you get efficient traffic and optimised routing for SMS and voice calls, you eliminate ported-number routing inefficiency, enable broader service coverage, facilitate troubleshooting of delivery problems, prevent revenue leakage and increase profit.        

Benefits of working with our service

Sempico Solutions is one of the best MNP lookup services on the market and we have expertise on SMS for more than 12 years. When you start using our service you get access not only to wide API documentation, but also to user-friendly web panel. With our platform, examine whether the phones of your customers are switched off or on. Moreover, we examine from which part of the country your customers are registered and the validity of the numbers. With our platform, you can ensure and back your marketing strategies with success. Test whether the numbers existing on your database are real or not. It connects valid numbers. Also there are some more benefits you can get.             
Worldwide MNP Lookup coverage.

  • Easy-to-use and cost-effective.
  • Fast and accurate results.
  • A single protocol for all the countries.
  • Superfast API integration.

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