本日のガイドでは、SynDuality Echo Of Ada で派閥を変更する方法を説明することを目的としています。
一見すると、SynDuality: Echo of Ada では、プレイヤーは 1 つの派閥、つまり Drifter
Support Association にのみ関与していると感じます。Association
Note: Due to the fact that this post is a translation of the original content that was published in English, we would like to offer our most sincere apologies in the case that the translation is perceived as being wrong. We have made it our purpose to provide each and every one of our customers with the absolute finest experience that we are capable of providing. In the event that you find any errors, please do not be reluctant to get in touch with us; we will do all in our power to correct them as early as we possibly can. I would want to express my appreciation for your intervention.