日本語 今日は、Stardew Valley で紫のショーツを履いたルイス市長を恥ずかしめる方法についての詳細な説明ガイドをお届けします。
Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley ルイス市長のラッキーパープルショーツの場所
夏 3
日付けの手紙で、ルイス市長は静かな声で農夫に、失くした紫色のショーツを取り戻すよう頼んでいます。失くしたショーツは、意外な場所、マーニーの寝室で見つかります。これは、市長がこの親切な動物愛好家と秘密の関係にある可能性を示唆している可能性があります。マーニーの寝室に実際に入るには、Stardew Valley でマーニーとの友情ハートを 2 つ獲得する必要があります。
ルイス市長とマーニーがこの関係を秘密にしていた理由は謎に包まれています。理由が何であれ、農夫は優位に立っていて、この恋愛関係を暴露することができます。あなたは、750 ゴールドと友情のハートと引き換えにショートパンツで彼を脅迫するか、それを有利に利用して彼に返すことができます。
Stardew Valley で紫のショーツをはいたルイス市長を恥ずかしめる方法
Stardew Valley では、ルイスが行方不明の紫色のショーツを探す旅は夏に始まり、ちょうど夏のルアウ
Not a villager is absent from the community potluck at the Luau Festival, including the farmer, when it comes to adding to the soup.
Want to really make Mayor Lewis look like a fool? Throw in his lucky
purple shorts in with the soup. Do that and both the Governor and Lewis
will have a very. interesting reaction.
The governor tastes a sip of the soup, saying it is slightly
acidic but delicious. He then pulls out the infamous purple shorts from
his bowl, to the surprise of Mayor Lewis and Marnie. This means that the governor was so disgusted that he referred to it as the most
humiliating experience of his life and ran away. Luckily, nobody learned about it, but the mayor is so embarrassed that his private part was
used in the prank.
Take The Shorts To The Fairground
Still not enough for you? Well, you can always save those
purple shorts for the fall in Stardew Valley Fair. Fair Grange Display is the
real show-stopper; it's a chance for you to show nine of your very best
products, everything from crops and artisanal crafts to gems and quality produce. Here is a chance to show the whole community Mayor Lewis's
loud purple shorts.
Mayor Lewis gets visibly distressed having seen his underwear
at the Fair Grange Display and gives you seven hundred and fifty star
tokens to keep quiet about it. Marnie refers to the shorts jokingly as
"purple lettuce," quietly acknowledging your joke.
Put The Shorts On Your Own
You can even humiliate Mayor Lewis by wearing his notorious
purple shorts. They cannot be worn on their own, but a gold bar can be
attached to the sewing machine in order to complete them, so that they
can be put on and worn as the player moves around Pelican Town.
He will look appalled and annoyed if Lewis finds the athlete
wearing his purple shorts. On the other hand, Marnie would only giggle
at the sight of it, and her reaction would be much more playful without
taking it seriously. Ironically, the major's shorts actually come off as tasteless; a way of humiliating herself since no other Stardew Valley villager
would seem to notice or mind. Then you can just return the shorts and
get your 750 gold reward for completing the task.
How to obtain more purple shorts, like those of the Mayor Lewis
With the Stardew Valley 1.6 update, a new, bizarre twist was added to
the Mayor Lewis's Shorts storyline. There's a secret basement in
Stardew Valley-if you befriend Mayor Lewis and place a stairway in his bedroom.
You'll have to navigate through a maze of barrels to reach a secret
room. Inside it, you'll find yet another pair of the Mayor's prophetic
purple shorts.
最後に、Stardew Valley で紫のショーツを履いたルイス市長を恥ずかしめる方法がわかったので、この忙しいゲームで前進し続けるためにそれを適用する必要があります。
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Note: Due to the fact that this post is a translation of the original content that was published in English, we would like to offer our most sincere apologies in the case that the translation is perceived as being wrong. We have made it our purpose to provide each and every one of our customers with the absolute finest experience that we are capable of providing. In the event that you find any errors, please do not be reluctant to get in touch with us; we will do all in our power to correct them as early as we possibly can. I would want to express my appreciation for your intervention.