日本語 今回は、New World Aeternum クラスとは何かについて説明することを目的としたガイドをお届けします。
Amazon の大規模マルチプレイヤー オンライン ロールプレイング ゲーム New World
をプレイすると、冒険、魔法、困難に満ちた魔法の世界に足を踏み入れたような気分になります。キャラクターのアーキタイプ、つまり「クラス」を選択することは、冒険に乗り出すために最初に行う必要がある選択の 1
New World では、通常の大規模マルチプレイヤー オンライン
クラスよりも多くの自由度が与えられています。アーキタイプを選択することは、生涯にわたるコミットメントではありません。むしろ、アーキタイプは、プレイヤーがさまざまなビルドやプレイスタイルを試すためのプラットフォームを提供します。このガイドでは、武器、好ましい特性、トレード スキルの利点など、すべてのアーキタイプについて詳しく説明します。
New World Aeternumクラスとは
New World
における「クラス」という言葉は、静的な才能の集合ではなく、アーキタイプを意味します。プレイヤーには、特定の戦闘スキルとクラフトの熟練度に重点を置いたアーキタイプを通じて、初期のプレイスタイルが与えられます。強力な近接戦闘員から才能ある魔法使いまで、New World の 7 つの主要なアーキタイプは、幅広いプレイスタイルをカバーします。
つのメイン武器を装備し、3 つのトレード能力にボーナスを提供します。New World
New Aeternum のクラス:
The occultist archetype provides expertise in elemental magic
for people interested in the occult arts. You'll be a scary distant foe
with mastery of Fire Staves and Ice Gauntlets. An adequate amount of
health is guaranteed by a small amount of Constitution, while
Intelligence is the principal quality that fuels your spells.
Trade Abilities Enhanced:
- Jewelry making Stone carving Mining
If you want to keep out of the heat of combat but still perform devastating spells, the Occultist archetype is for you.
Master of Destruction
In the Destroyer archetype, violence and aggression take center stage. A Destroyerer's strength shines through as they wield a Great
Axe and a War Hammer, allowing them to crush their enemies with ease.
Focusing on Strength for maximal damage and Constitution for durability
are the main traits you should care about.
Trade Abilities Enhanced:
- Leathercrafting, Armoring, and Skinning
You will be unstoppable as a Destroyer if you relish in inflicting enormous harm with strong weaponry.
Symbol of Mysticism
A character with Mystic traits can do both healing and damage.
Mystics are capable of helping friends and doing decent damage with
their dual wielding of the Void Gauntlet and the Life Staff. Your damage and healing are both enhanced by Intelligence and Focus, respectively.
Trade Abilities Enhanced:
- Mysteries Collecting Weaving
The Mystic archetype is perfect for team games since it allows players to switch between offensive and support roles.
Myth of the Ranger
Your precision is second to none in your role as a Ranger. You
can quickly engage in close quarters combat when needed or use the bow
and spear for long-range sniping. Your bow attacks are powered by
Dexterity, and your spear assaults are supported by both Strength and
Trade Abilities Enhanced:
- Logging, engineering, and woodworking
The Ranger archetype provides options for hit-and-run players who value ranged and melee versatility.
A Swordsman's Profile
Overwhelming power and resilience are the hallmarks of the
Swordbearer archetype. This archetype's greatsword and blunderbuss are a perfect complement to their intelligence, dexterity, and strength.
Trade Abilities Enhanced:
- Pasta making Sea fishing Working with leather
The Swordbearer archetype is a formidable choice for gamers
seeking a balance between long-range firepower and control in close
quarters battle.
The Musketeer Figurehead
For individuals who relish precision shooting from a distance,
the Musketeer archetype is an ideal fit. Focusing on Intelligence and
Dexterity will optimize your efficiency in battle while wielding a
Rapier and a Musket.
Trade Abilities Enhanced:
If you want to keep your distance and use your wits and quick
reflexes to outwit your adversaries, then the Weaving Musketeers are the team for you.
これでこの説明ガイドは終わりです。New World Aeternum クラスとは何かがわかりましたので、ぜひ実践して最大限に楽しんでください。
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