
Fear the Spotlight の劇場への入場方法

2024-10-30 05:01:40


Fear the Spotlight の劇場への入場方法に関する詳細かつ具体的なガイドへようこそ。

プレイヤーが体育館のヒューズ ボックス チャレンジを解決し、屋外の HVAC ユニットをオンにすると、最終的に Fear the Spotlight のサニーサイド シアターに到着します。ウェバー ビルに足を踏み入れると、先ほど大量の煙が出ていた理由が明らかになります。劇場の入り口で大規模な火災が発生しています。幸いなことに、天井のスプリンクラーを作動させることができれば、建物に入ることができます。

しかし、スプリンクラーを作動させるのは、決して簡単ではありません。中庭には、珍しいカバーが付いた下水道の入り口があります。2 つのハンドルを操作すると、2 つの内部ディスクを回転させることができます。現在の場所と、西と東の廊下にある多くの部屋を示す地図も用意されています。部屋の左側には鍵のかかったドアがあり、右側には瓦礫が道をふさいでいます。

Fear the Spotlight の劇場への入場方法

先には明確な道がないので、まずは下水道の入り口の謎を解かなければなりません。2 つのハンドルをつなげてつたを作ります。このボタンを押すと蓋が開き、下水道に通じるはしごが現れます。





先へ進むと、道の左側に瓦礫がいくつか見えます。この道を下ったところにあるトイレにたどり着くには、瓦礫をどう動かすか考えなければなりません。音楽教室の入り口は、ほんの少し先にあります。教室にはテレビとビデオ カセット プレーヤーがありますが、テレビ ケーブルを探して接続する必要があります。再生するには、VHS カセットも必要です。さらに、教室にはピアノがあり、いくつかの鍵盤に血がついていますが、現在は使用できません。

Step out of the music room and continue down the hall until you reach the art room. If you look around, you may see a Jack in the corner of the room supporting a table. Engage with it and take it with you. Upon retrieval of the Jack, the room will begin to glow, and the Spotlight Head will make an appearance in the classroom. Steer clear of its intense gaze as you return to the West Hallway.

Now that you have the Jack in your possession, return to the debris near the Drama Class. Get the debris out of the road by using the Jack. To enter the restroom, go to the right and look for the blue door. Get yourself over to the mirror and have some fun with it. To remove the two screws that support the center mirror, use the screwdriver that you have in your inventory.

Once you remove the mirror, you'll be able to see the first face piece concealed behind it. Additionally, there is a note on the wall that you are welcome to read. Gather the Face Piece and proceed to the other side via the hole in the bathroom. On the other side of the sink, you'll see a second note from the mysterious admirer and an inhaler.

You've reached the end of West Hallway for the time being, but before you go, keep an eye out for a Spotlight that's descending from the ceiling. Get back to the main courtyard outside the Theater; this time, don't step into it.

Hallway in the East

Start in the courtyard and make your way to the debris that has blocked the door to the East Hallway. The Jack may now be used to raise it, allowing you to enter the hall. To reach the Literature Class, enter through the first door on the right. On the table, you can see a Puzzle Box that contains three rotating symbols: a caged bird, a heart with a knife inserted into it, and a white rose. In the room, you can also find an adjustable projector. A Projector Sheet is required for its use.

For the moment, go across the hall and into the Digital Media room. You can print Projector Sheets using the printer in this room. One computer is by the entrance, and the other is in the room's far left corner. To utilize them, you'll have to track down a floppy disk. Just for the time being, leave the room.

Continue along the lengthy hall that runs alongside the Literature Class; on your way, you will pass the Spotlight again. Take cover behind the two shelves, then enter the biology lab through the first door on your left. In the very center of the room, you can see a large cage. If you tug on the rope, you can lower it. Activate the Cage by approaching it on foot. Use the Pliers you obtained when you unlocked the Rose Door to bend the bars, and then seize the TV Cables.

To go to Audio Visual, leave the Biology Lab and head left. Then, take the door on the right. Shelves cover every surface in the room. You can locate the VHS tape by exploring the room. Toss it aside. The door will be locked as you attempt to exit the room. Gather the Strange Key from the floor at the far end of the room.

Elusive specters will begin to fill the space at this stage. Disregarding them, you can simply exit through the main entrance. Once you obtain the Strange Key, it will open automatically. Proceed cautiously towards the main courtyard. You currently possess nearly all of the necessary components to complete the problem.

Explore the West Hallway again

Using the Strange Key you obtained from the Metal Hatch you discovered on the ground, proceed to the Drama Class in the West Hallway. There's a ladder you can use to descend into a room adorned with bookcases. Reach the last set of bookcases to find an inhaler and a blank floppy disk.

Go to the Music Room to get out of the Spotlight's sight. Join the TV cables to the VHS tape and insert it into the VCR. In order to demonstrate which keys to press on the piano, a movie will play. The second face piece can be found in a Hidden Compartment, which can be accessed by playing the right keys on the room's piano.

Please go to East Hall Way.

Go back to the Computer Lab in the East Hallway after you've retrieved the second Face Piece. Find the computer at the door and put the blank floppy disk into it. The Spotlight Head will teleport into the room at that moment. The data must be stored on the Floppy Disk, thus you will need to be patient. Seize it when the bar is full.

Carefully insert the floppy disk into the second computer. After that, find the Printer and use it to obtain the Projector Sheet. On one occasion, we were caught by the Spotlight Head, but we were able to retrieve the object and exit the chamber.

After that, grab the Projector Sheet and make your way across the hall to the Literature Class to set it up. Find the sweet spot where the whiteboard and the projector meet. If everything is done right, the sheet will show a poem. This area also contains the Puzzle Box, and this is your clue to open it.

Make sure the Rose symbol in the puzzle box is facing up by rotating it. To make the knife point to the eleventh hour, set the next symbol accordingly. The last step is to position the symbol such that the bird in the cage is looking downward. The third Face Piece may be found within the Puzzle Box, which can be opened by clicking the switch.

Start the Sprinklers

3 つの顔のピースをすべて手に入れたら、メインの中庭の下水道に戻ることができます。顔のピースと、以前に発見した像を組み合わせて、ウォーター ポンプ ルームに通じる隠し通路を見つけます。しばらく部屋の中を見回してください。ウォーター ポンプ システムを操作すると、パイプが 1 本なくなっていることが分かります。ç



独房の鍵を入手するには、部屋の収納トランクを開けます。ゴミ箱から血まみれのパイプを取り出し、それを使って先ほど見た独房を開けます。次のステップは、水ポンプ システムに戻って壊れたパイプを修理することです。


  • 右向きの矢印は左上隅のハンドルにあります。
  • 右上のハンドルを使って下へ降りてください。
  • 下のハンドルは左を向いています。
  • ポンプの横にあるボタンをクリックしてスプリンクラー システムを起動し、劇場の外の火を消すことができます。

その後、メインの中庭に戻って劇場に入場できます。しかし、Fear the Spotlight では、プレイヤーが Vivan's Story の最後のボスと対決するシーンがまだ残っています。

結論として、Fear the Spotlight でシアターに入る方法を知ることは、この素晴らしいゲームでより良く発展できるようになるため興味深いです。

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