
Black Ops 6ですべての演算子を取得する方法

2024-10-25 06:10:19


この優れた説明ガイドで、Black Ops 6 のすべての演算子を取得する方法を発見してください。

Call of Duty シリーズは進化を続け、数多くの新しいゲームプレイ要素を導入してきました。これらの機能の 1 つが、最新作である Black Ops 6 で初登場したオペレーターです。

Call of Duty のマルチプレイヤー マッチでは、オペレーターはキャラクターのスキンのようなものです。このようなスキンの一般的な例としては、Black Ops シリーズの顔である Frank Woods や、ゲームのシングルプレイヤー ミッションのキャラクターなどが挙げられます。すべてのオペレーターをすぐに入手できるとは限りません。実際、Black Ops 6 にはさまざまなロック解除可能なアイテムがあり、それぞれに独自の要件があります。

Black Ops 6ですべての演算子を取得する方法

ゲームのオペレーターは、R​​ogue Black Ops と Crimson One の 2 つの派閥から構成されています。すぐに使用できるのはほんの一握りで、残りはレベルに応じてロック解除されます。一方、一部のオペレーターは、Black Ops 6 の特定のバンドルを購入しないと入手できません。

Black Ops 6 のすべてのオペレーターが、説明、写真、入手場所とともにここにリストされています。

Crimson One と Adler を入手するには、Black Ops 6 Vault Edition を購入してください。Brutus、Park、Klaus、Woods (3 つのスキンすべて) も Vault Edition で入手できます。Woods スキンは、ゲームを事前注文または事前購入することでも入手できます。

以下のキャラクターはすぐに使用可能です: Caine、Nazir、Niran、Westpoint、Carver、Weaver、Grey、Maya、Toro。

アルバレスとトロにアクセスするには、プレイヤー レベル 10 をアンロックしてください。ロッシはプレイヤー レベル 16、ペインはプレイヤー レベル 13、ベイリーはプレイヤー レベル 28 で利用可能になります。バヤンはプレイヤー レベル 22 でアンロックできますが、ストーンとマーシャルはそれぞれプレイヤー レベル 40 と 34 が必要です。




CIA の SAD に所属する優秀な飛行士、ヤラ・アルバレスは、プエルトリコ出身の故郷の上空でヤギ道に立って、飛行機が離陸するのを眺めたことがある。米国空軍士官学校では、クラスの卒業生代表だった。彼女は自信家で、正直すぎるほど正直で、付き合う相手を厳選している。




Wittold Bayan maintains his composure and self-assurance even when faced with challenging situations. He joined the Polish Forces' first Mechanized Infantry as a young adrenaline seeker, but he quickly found a place as a driver and field operator in The Guild.

The brute

Brutus, a massive undead beast, is the embodiment of fear on the battlefield. He wreaks devastation and destruction on any enemy foolish enough to stand in his path, driven by his persistent quest to escape the life sentence he was given while in Alcatraz.

Caine is

The late Jackson Caine was an ardent supporter of the idea that the United States is unique. He now leads Crimson One as an ideal tool of the Pantheon, having become disillusioned with the traditional systems advocated by figures such as Woods, Adler, and Hudson.

Artist Carver

Tragedies and their aftermath tarnish MacKenzie "Mac" Carver's once-distinguished military record. His former life is back on the table, and he is determined to clear his name after being betrayed and imprisoned by those he trusted.

Dark blue

The CIA's Requiem Office selected Dr. Elizabeth Grey to serve as head scientist. She has to gather all her strength to stay alive after being betrayed and locked up by her bosses so she can seek revenge.


Klaus, a favorite of Dr. Elizabeth Grey's, was deactivated following his murder of three Operators in Berlin. Klaus seems oblivious to the limitations and frailty of flesh-and-blood humans, despite the fact that his programmed personality displays many characteristics common of humans. Now that he has served his time in a Berlin safe house, he is unrestrained and prepared to fight in any battlefield.

Hey Marshall,

Troy Marshall's determination to out-strength his father and his experiences in battle both contributed to the development of his survival mentality. His faith in humanity's inherent goodness and his devotion to his fellow man have led him from the ranks of Force Recon Marine to CIA SAD operator.

Hello, Maya

The smuggling enterprise that Maya and her brother had taken up from their father reached new heights. She will now have to use her intelligence and strategy to find out who abducted her missing sister.

Dear Nazir,

Discreet, cunning, and potentially lethal—that is Hasib Nazir. He embodies the archetype of the gray man. His extensive knowledge of communications and cryptology provides him a significant advantage even before he enters the fight.

Dear Niran 

Rama Niran's'sixth sense' allows him to spot dangers that others fail to notice. His steady, dependable presence on the battlefield is crucial to Crimson One's defensive posture in the face of improvised and marine-based explosives.


Helen A. Park is a master of psychological manipulation and asymmetrical warfare, and she is one of the top operatives of MI-6. With her tumultuous past in the past, she has achieved great success in the field of global intelligence.

Payne is

Payne became one of the most distinguished military scout snipers after plunging headfirst into war from the time he joined the army. Even when he's in the red zone, he manages to score.

Rossi is

An enigma who fled the safety of the nobility to make a new reputation for herself as a HUMINT expert, Volta Rossi is a street-smart renegade with a blue-blood lineage. They have special knowledge of Avalon thanks to their connections to the Luttazzi family.


Military groups all across the world are interested in hiring Harry Stone because of his extensive background as a soldier and mercenary. He is a particularly deadly adversary because of his lack of regard for ethical standards of conduct.

The Toro

Alejo "Toro" Carasco, the gregarious young star of Crimson One, has never been a rule follower. He was an Argentine Navy sailor turned mercenary; now he serves Caine, who is the only one who can channel his wrath toward the enemies.

The weaver

According to the description, Grigori Weaver has seen and seen it all as a kid of war. He bears scars to show that he has survived longer than most of his contemporaries. His sense of duty keeps pushing him forward, and he is determined to make one for his mistakes.

The Westpoint

Tamira "Westpoint" Chambers has always had a passion for the military and has been an outstanding professional throughout her life. She is a brave and seasoned leader who is second in charge of the Rogue Black Ops squad.


Sergeant Frank Woods was a Marine by training and later became a CIA legend. Even though he's confined to a desk, he's still fighting corruption and injustice alongside the next generation of Black Ops soldiers. This Woods predates his present-day disability.

The fastest way to level up and unlock operators 

Increasing your Player level grants access to some operators in Black Ops 6, as you may have already noticed. While playing in multiplayer or Zombie mode will do this, there are a few different approaches to leveling up faster if that is your aim. Many more are listed here.

Do the tasks for each day and each week.

Black Ops 6, like all of Call of Duty games released in the last few years, features an abundance of weekly and daily challenges. It may take some time, but it's definitely doable. When you finish them, you'll gain a ton of experience and, in many cases, additional benefits. Keeping track of your tasks and making sure you do them regularly is always a good idea.

Enjoy playing with your pals

Call of Duty のオンライン版をプレイしたことがある人なら、一人でゲームに勝つことがいかに難しいか、誰よりもよく知っています。そのため、友達と一緒にキューに参加して勝つ可能性を高め、経験を積むのは良い考えです。そしてもちろん、最も重要なことは、その方が楽しいということですよね?


プレイヤーは、対戦相手のプレイヤーを排除することが目的ではないのに、ドミネーション モードやその他のモードにいることがよくありますが、それでもそれを続けます。その結果、最高の記録を残すことはできますが、多くのゲームに負け、経験がまったくありません。すべてのゲームで目標を達成することを主な焦点にすることが、後者の量を増やすための最善の戦略です。

ダブル XP トークンは使用可能です。

到達したレベルごとにダブル XP トークンを獲得できます。その名前の意味は明らかです。それを使用すると、通常の 2 倍の経験値が得られます。そのため、友人と一緒でも一人でも、深夜のアクティビティでそれを使用して、積み重ねる必要があります。このようなゲームでは、通常、収益を最大化するために、上記で提供した追加のヒントを使用するのが賢明です。

これらの手順を使用すると、Black Ops 6 のすべての演算子を取得する方法を知ることは思ったより簡単であり、取得するにはそれらを適用するだけでよいと結論付けることができます。

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