
Apex Legends のすべてのレジェンドの変更

2024-11-08 08:28:48


このガイドエントリでは、Apex Legends のすべてのレジェンドの変更について説明します。

ローンチロイヤル、新しいゲームモード、刷新されたライフラインは、最近リリースされた Apex Legends シーズン 23 の一部です。強力な武器、サバイバル スロットの新しいアイテム、ブースト キットを発掘できるゲームプレイ メカニズムとしてリフト レリックが追加されたことで、メタに大きな波紋が広がるでしょう。武器と増え続けるレジェンドのリストは、この新しいコンテンツの流入の一環として、広範囲にわたるバランス調整を受けました。シーズン 23 のライフラインの刷新は主な魅力ですが、他の多くのレジェンドも大幅に改良されており、それらの変更の一部はメタを永久に変えるかもしれません。シーズン 23 で Apex Legends に導入されるすべてのレジェンド アップデートの詳細は、こちらでご覧いただけます。

Apex Legends のすべてのレジェンドの変更

待望のライフラインのオーバーホールに加え、サポートパッシブクラスもシーズン23で大幅にオーバーホールされます。サポートレジェンドは、歩行速度で回復し、より速く復活し、医療キットの回復が強化されます。シーズン23では、バランスと生活の質に対するこれらの調整やその他の調整により、特にサポートプレイヤーにとってはまったく新しいメタのように感じられるでしょう。以下は、Apex Legendsシーズン23で導入される予定のすべてのレジェンドの変更の完全な概要です。サポートロールのアップデートとライフラインの刷新が含まれます。

サポートの伝説: 新しいクラスのメリット

ヒールマスター:全速力で治癒でき、軽傷の治癒時間が 2 倍になります。
  • 蘇生マスター: 蘇生速度と蘇生による体力回復が増加
  • バナーを作成したり、味方のデスボックスに配置すると、モバイルリスポーンビーコンが表示されます。

サバイバルモード: バトルグライド

  • DOC を押しながらジャンプすると、しばらく滑空します。
  • ライフラインを防御のために解放するには、DOC を展開してチームメイトを復活させます。


  • 近くの味方は DOC によって回復できます。展開されると、DOC は味方を追跡するように命令できます。

一番上:DOC Hyalo

  • DOC 消耗品を放出して Halo シールド システムを起動すると、システム内のすべてのプレイヤーの体力とシールドがより早く消費されます。



  • +1 バッテリー/スタック: より長時間のゲームプレイを可能にするさらなるパワー。
  • 延長飛行: 燃料補給前の飛行時間が 1.5 秒長くなります。
  • 強化された無線: DOC 割り当ての範囲が 50% 広くなります。
  • 戦術クールダウン+: 戦術クールダウンが 10 秒短縮され、アビリティが速くなります。


  • バナーを回収する能力が、味方のデスボックスと職人で機能するようになりました。
  • 味方のバナーを使用すると、固定スポーンビーコンと移動スポーンビーコンの両方でこの機能がアクティブになります。
  • これで、コンジットは倒れた仲間の最小範囲制限を気にすることなく、倒れたパートナーのところまで急ぐことができます。
  • Enhancements - Battpack: this upgrade now displays battery numbers in Death Boxes, in addition to the extra battery per stack.

Technical Note: Conduit's passive is fantastic for assisting her team in keeping pace. Given her Support Legend position, we thought it would be a good idea to give her this passive that could affect her recovery play potential too. Also, we've merged Battery Collection and Battpack into one upgrade to strengthen it for Conduit and other Legends (Mirage, Lifeline, and Horizon as well).

Takes 10% damage per tick of the ring; this affects the Crypto Surveillance Drone.

Improvements - Unplugged

  • A subtle cloaking "flicker" effect will now appear every 1.5 seconds for players within 20 meters of Crypto, allowing them to more easily recognize nearby hidden Cryptos.
  • We have improved the range and volume of cloaked audio.

Note from the Developer: Off the Grid was a great choice because it introduced Crypto to some fresh, original gameplay patterns, but it also introduced some annoying things like vulnerable drone behaviors or unfair advantages. Without sacrificing the essence of the improvement to the Crypto dream, these focused changes seek to make it easier to locate a Crypto you know is nearby and prevent ring-parking behaviors. You'll still have to put in some effort to find the matrix glitch, but you won't have to spend as much time hunting for unseen collisions with him.

Defense Structure of Gibraltar

  • The 30 second cooldown is now only 17 seconds.
  • Can now withstand damage from Crypto's EMP and Maggie's Wrecking Ball.

Stage 2 Improvements

  • Beginning Over: eliminated
  • Gunshots: eliminated
  • BIG NEWS: Ult Radius is going up 20%!
  • Shotguns now have a new speed boost and can automatically reload when hit, introducing the Fast Shotties.
  • The Baby Bubble upgrade lowered the cooldown from 25 seconds to 12 seconds.

Fresh Start

  • Revive Boost: Restores allies to 50 HP.
  • Ammo Up: Automatically reloads Shotguns after a knockout.
  • Rift Upgrade: Level 2 Rift.
  • Big Bruddah: Increases Ultimate ability radius by 20%.
  • Fast Shotties: Boosts movement speed with Shotguns and enables auto-reload on knockouts.

Developer Note: Gibraltar's dome is quite adaptable, which is one of his strengths. Gibraltar will be able to make more use of his dome and the new class benefits with the removal of hard counters in From the Rift. Now that the Revive Expert perk is live, we've switched up his early game upgrades to be more offensive, taking advantage of his Ult's power and the new dome frequency.

Horizon Leveling Up

  • Eliminated: Collection of Batteries
  • The NEW Battpack includes not just additional batter but also

Battery Collection

The number of Shield Batteries you have is displayed above Death Boxes. You can obtain Battpacks from the Rift at Level 2. Each Battpack adds 1 Battery to your stack. Check the Battery Count in Death Boxes to see how many you have.


  • The Life of the Party: During Ultimate, health bars are no longer displayed to conceal the true Mirage.
  • Stage 2 Improvements

Removing Miracle Worker

  • NEW Battpack: not only does it come with an additional battery,
  • Miracle Worker: Revive fallen teammates, restoring 75HP. Battpack: Gain an extra battery per stack. Check your Death Box for battery count.

Developer Note: Miracle Worker is now useless due to the new Support Class Revive Expert perk. As a result, we have replaced it with another minor support-focused alternative... for the time being.

Shield Mobile in Newcastle

  • Does not sustain harm anymore
  • It is now possible to move even when Newcastle is under attack
  • Return to Valor: Rejuvenate Damaged Enemies with a 50% Increase in HP/Tier
  • Blue: 450 (down from 300), Purple/Gold: 750 (up from 500), White: 300 (down from 200)
  • Stage 2 Improvements
  • Thick Defender: eliminated
  • When you revive, your move speed is significantly increased by the NEW Hero's Hustle.

Advanced: Third Level

  • Upgraded Castle Wall HP to 500 from 250 in Stronghold
  • Castle Wall, the NEW Ultimate Savior, restores teammates' shields inside an impact radius.
  • The 15-second regeneration time is interspersed with a 2-second harm delay.
  • Cannot start regenerating until brought back to life.

 Thick Shield

This upgraded version of Thick Shield offers significant enhancements to both personal and team defense. Your Mobile Shield HP is boosted by 250, making you more resilient in battle. Additionally, the Stronghold upgrade increases the Castle Wall's HP by 250 and extends its energized duration to 3 minutes, providing a formidable defensive barrier.

Furthermore, the Hero's Hustle and Miracle Worker abilities from the Rift empower your support capabilities. You can now revive allies faster and with increased healing, making you a crucial asset in team fights. Finally, the Ultimate Savior ability grants allies in range shield regeneration, further bolstering your team's survivability.

Note from the developers: Two of Newcastle's upgrades had to be swapped out because to the new Revive Expert perk and the Mobile Shield's simplification to an invulnerable version. Through the use of speed to perform larger revival plays and shield healing to urge Newcastle to leap to his ally's aid, we have attempted to tap into the support element of his kit with both. Newcastle is also bolstering their shields this season so that players of all ability levels can feel secure behind them.

Instead of renewing instantly after a 3-second delay, the Revenant Forged Shadows shield can now regenerate up to 50 HP.

  • Wattson Improvements: Second Leve
  • やり直し:排除
  • 新しく追加されたRevive Expertはアクセスを許可します


  • 味方のHPを50まで回復します。
  • リフトから:レベル2
  • 復活エキスパート: 味方をより早く復活させ、時間の経過とともに HP を回復します。


Apex Legends のすべてのレジェンドの変更がわかったので、このガイドを適用してください。

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Note: Due to the fact that this post is a translation of the original content that was published in English, we would like to offer our most sincere apologies in the case that the translation is perceived as being wrong. We have made it our purpose to provide each and every one of our customers with the absolute finest experience that we are capable of providing. In the event that you find any errors, please do not be reluctant to get in touch with us; we will do all in our power to correct them as early as we possibly can. I would want to express my appreciation for your intervention.