Tutte le fazioni in Age of Mythology Retold



Con il nostro aiuto scoprirai che imparare a conoscere tutte le fazioni in Age of Mythology Retold è più facile di quanto pensi.

Age of Mythology: Retold ti invita a immergerti in un mondo in cui dei, creature mitiche e mortali si scontrano in battaglie epiche. Come leader di uno dei quattro pantheon distinti, eserciterai il potere divino di antiche divinità per plasmare il destino della tua civiltà. Con ogni pantheon che offre unità, abilità e creature mitologiche uniche, le scelte strategiche che farai determineranno l'esito di ogni conflitto.

Dai giganteschi giganti del pantheon norreno agli astuti imbroglioni del pantheon greco, avrai accesso a una vasta gamma di forze leggendarie. Che tu preferisca costruire un potente esercito, sfruttare il potere della natura o superare in astuzia i tuoi avversari con astute tattiche, Age of Mythology: Retold offre un'esperienza ricca e coinvolgente per giocatori di tutti i livelli di abilità.

Age of Mythology Retold: Tutte le fazioni

Quando selezioni una fazione in Age of Mythology: Retold, è fondamentale soppesare il tuo stile di gioco rispetto ai punti di forza e di debolezza unici di ogni pantheon. A differenza della vasta gamma di civiltà in Age of Empires II, Age of Mythology: Retold attualmente presenta un elenco più piccolo e gestibile di quattro fazioni.

Il Pantheon greco si distingue come un'opzione equilibrata e accessibile, specialmente per i giocatori che hanno familiarità con Age of Empires II. Le sue unità, come i potenti opliti e gli abili toxoti, forniscono una solida base per strategie sia offensive che difensive.

Se preferisci uno stile di gioco più diretto e aggressivo, l'unità di cavalleria greca Hippeus potrebbe essere una scelta interessante. Questi cavalieri rapidi e versatili eccellono nello sconvolgere le formazioni nemiche e nel prendere di mira le unità a distanza. Tuttavia, il loro costo elevato e la vulnerabilità agli attacchi a distanza richiedono una gestione attenta.

Per chi cerca un approccio più difensivo, gli opliti greci sono una scelta affidabile. La loro pesante armatura e le forti capacità di mischia li rendono avversari formidabili, specialmente contro le unità di fanteria. Tuttavia, possono avere difficoltà contro gli attacchi a distanza e la cavalleria.

I Toxotes, d'altro canto, offrono un'opzione più versatile. Il loro elevato danno inflitto alla fanteria e la loro capacità di attaccare da lontano li rendono risorse preziose in qualsiasi esercito greco. Tuttavia, sono vulnerabili ai contrattacchi della cavalleria e di altre unità in rapido movimento.

In definitiva, la fazione migliore per te dipenderà dalle tue preferenze personali e dal tuo stile di gioco. Considerando attentamente i punti di forza e di debolezza di ogni pantheon, puoi scegliere una fazione che si allinea ai tuoi obiettivi e massimizza le tue possibilità di successo in Age of Mythology: Retold.

The Egyptian Pantheon: A Defensive Master

The Egyptian Pantheon is ideal for players who prefer a defensive approach, focusing on fortifications and a strong late-game presence. Their unique mechanics emphasize resource management and empower their units, making them a formidable force as the game progresses.

Egyptian Units: A Defensive Arsenal

The Egyptians excel at controlling the battlefield through well-planned defenses and powerful late-game units. Here are some of their key units:

  • The Pharaoh: A powerful hero unit that empowers buildings, heals units, and is particularly effective against myth units. The Pharaoh can significantly boost resource income, construction speed, and the effectiveness of military buildings. Additionally, the Pharaoh's ability to resurrect fallen units provides a strategic advantage, allowing for a more aggressive playstyle.
  • The Axeman: A strong infantry unit that excels against other infantry but is vulnerable to ranged units. It is useful for early-game defense and can be transitioned out for more powerful units in the Heroic Age. The Axeman's high health and damage output make it a reliable choice for holding defensive positions.
  • The Chariot Archer: A fast, mounted ranged unit that is effective against infantry. While it struggles against cavalry, buildings, and siege weapons, its speed and versatility make it a valuable asset in the mid to late game. The Chariot Archer's ability to quickly reposition and target enemy units from a distance allows it to harass enemy forces and disrupt their formations.

Beyond these core units, the Egyptians also have access to a variety of other powerful units, including:

  • The Migdol Stronghold: A fortified building that provides defensive bonuses and can produce powerful units like the Migdol Guardian.
  • The Scarab: A fast, flying unit that can harass enemy forces and disrupt their formations.
  • The Ramesses II: A powerful hero unit with unique abilities that can turn the tide of battle.

These units, combined with the Egyptian Pantheon's emphasis on defense and resource management, make the Egyptians a formidable force to be reckoned with in Age of Mythology: Retold.

The Egyptian Wonder

The Egyptians have access to the Egyptian Wonder, a formidable structure that propels their pantheon into the Wonder Age. This wonder offers substantial bonuses:

  • Favor Generation: Generates 1 Favor per second, providing a steady stream of Favor for powerful God Powers and Myth Units.
  • God Power Bonuses: Reduces the cost and cooldown of God Powers by 50% and 90%, respectively, allowing for more frequent and strategic use of these abilities.
  • Unit Enhancements: Increases Attack Damage and Hitpoints of Myth Units and Titans by 50%, making them more formidable in combat. Additionally, a 15% Speed boost enhances their mobility and effectiveness.
  • Wonder Regeneration: The Titan Gate can be rebuilt every 10 minutes, allowing for continuous access to the Wonder's powerful benefits.

Why Choose the Egyptians?

The Egyptian Pantheon is ideal for players who prefer a strategic, defensive playstyle. Their strong early defenses and powerful late-game units make them a formidable force. Egyptians rely on Gold, the Pharaoh, and Monument-based Favor generation for strategic depth.

  • Early Game Dominance: Egyptians can establish a strong defensive presence early in the game, making it difficult for opponents to gain a foothold.
  • Powerful Late-Game Units: Their Myth Units and Titans become incredibly powerful with the bonuses from the Egyptian Wonder, allowing them to dominate the battlefield.
  • Strategic Depth: Egyptians rely on Gold for economic growth and the Pharaoh for strategic advantages. Additionally, their Monument-based Favor generation provides a sustainable source of Favor.

The Norse Pantheon

The Norse faction is known for its aggressive playstyle and high-damage combat. They earn Favor through battles and can quickly establish mobile camps. Their infantry can build structures, making them versatile on the offensive. However, their buildings are weaker than those of other pantheons.

Norse players excel by overwhelming opponents with powerful soldiers and Myth Units. Their mobile dropsites and cheap buildings facilitate efficient resource management and rapid expansion.

Norse Faction Units

Norse units emphasize high-damage infantry, naval, and siege capabilities.

  • Berserk: A lightly armored infantry unit with strong melee attacks. Effective against melee units but vulnerable to ranged attacks. Can also construct buildings.
  • Dragon Ship: A warship equipped with siege weaponry. Excellent for destroying arrow ships and buildings, ensuring Norse naval dominance.
  • Throwing Axeman: A ranged infantry unit effective against other infantry but weak against ranged units.

Atlantean Pantheon: Adaptability and Efficiency

The Atlantean Pantheon, renowned for its versatility and efficiency, offers players a unique and strategic experience in Age of Mythology: Retold. Their cheap and rapidly regenerating God Powers allow them to swiftly adapt to changing battlefield conditions, making them a formidable force.

The Atlanteans' Citizen units excel at resource gathering, operating without the need for dropsites. This efficient resource generation provides a solid economic foundation, enabling players to build and maintain powerful armies. Moreover, the Atlanteans possess a unique ability to convert any unit, including Citizens, into heroes. This flexibility allows them to create highly specialized and adaptable armies, tailoring their forces to counter specific threats.

Atlantean Units: A Diverse Arsenal

The Atlantean arsenal is characterized by its diversity, with units designed to excel in various roles. This versatility enables players to create well-rounded armies that can effectively respond to different enemy strategies. By combining standard and counter-units, Atlanteans can develop a formidable force capable of neutralizing any threat.

Oracles: Essential for Vision and Favor

The Oracle is a vital asset to the Atlantean player. These scout units offer a significant line of sight when stationary, making them invaluable for reconnaissance and strategic planning. Oracles also passively generate Favor, a valuable resource that can be used to summon powerful units or activate God Powers. However, it's important to note that Oracles cannot work together, so avoid placing them adjacent to each other.

Biremes: Dominance on the Seas

The Bireme is a versatile warship that excels in naval combat, particularly against close-combat ships. Its superior maneuverability and ramming capabilities make it a formidable force on the seas. With a well-equipped fleet of Biremes, Atlantean players can establish naval supremacy and control key waterways.

Turma: Countering Ranged Threats

The Turma is a mounted javelineer designed to counter ranged units. Its speed and front armor allow it to effectively neutralize ranged threats, making it a valuable asset in battles against archers or slingers. However, the Turma is vulnerable to melee units, so players should use them strategically to avoid unnecessary losses.

Atlantean Wonder: A Strategic Powerhouse

The Atlantean Wonder is a cornerstone of the Atlantean Pantheon, offering a unique blend of versatility and power. This formidable structure provides a suite of bonuses that can significantly impact the course of a game:

  • Favor Generation: Increases favor income, a crucial resource for summoning God Powers and utilizing other strategic options.
  • God Power Efficiency: Reduces the cost and cooldown of God Powers, enabling players to use these potent abilities more frequently and strategically.
  • Myth Unit and Titan Buffs: Significantly enhances the combat effectiveness of Myth Units and Titans, making them formidable forces on the battlefield. These buffs include increased attack damage, health, and movement speed, allowing Atlanteans to dominate encounters and control key areas.
  • Titan Gate Refresh: Enables the rapid rebuilding of Titan Gates, vital structures that can be used to control strategic locations and influence the flow of the game. This ability allows Atlanteans to maintain a strong presence on the map and prevent their opponents from gaining a significant advantage.

Why Choose the Atlantean Pantheon?

Il Pantheon Atlantideo è un'ottima scelta per i giocatori che amano uno stile di gioco strategico e dinamico. La loro capacità di trasformare rapidamente le unità in potenti eroi e la loro efficiente gestione delle risorse forniscono un'economia e un esercito flessibili. Gli Atlantidei eccellono nell'adattarsi alle strategie dei loro avversari, utilizzando unità specializzate e poteri divini al momento giusto per ottenere il sopravvento.

Con le loro potenti Unità Mitologiche e i potenti bonus Meraviglia, gli Atlantidei possono dominare la fase finale del gioco e assicurarsi la vittoria. La loro capacità di ricostruire rapidamente i Portali dei Titani consente loro di mantenere il controllo di posizioni strategiche e impedire ai loro avversari di ottenere un vantaggio significativo. Inoltre, i loro efficienti Poteri Divini e le loro unità versatili forniscono un'ampia gamma di opzioni tattiche, rendendoli una forza formidabile in qualsiasi partita.

Questo è tutto ciò che c'è da considerare riguardo a tutte le fazioni in Age of Mythology Retold; dovremo farlo per continuare a progredire in questo gioco interessante e coinvolgente.

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