
Dove trovare tutti gli indizi in Until Dawn remake



In questa guida spieghiamo tutto su dove trovare tutti gli indizi in Until Dawn remake.

Molte cose sono accadute a Blackwood Mountain prima dell'alba, e l'unico modo per scoprirlo è trovare tutti gli indizi nel gioco. Gli eventi si svolgono in tre linee temporali distinte: l'incidente sulla cima della montagna del 1952, il destino delle gemelle di Washington Hannah e Beth e l'identità dello psicopatico che perseguita le amiche.

In Until Dawn dovrai garantire la sopravvivenza di ogni personaggio e saranno le tue scelte a determinare se otterrai o meno un finale misterioso.

Dove trovare tutti gli indizi in Until Dawn remake?

Le possibilità che i compagni superino la notte miglioreranno man mano che seguiranno gli indizi, perché tutto è interconnesso. Alcuni sono facili da trovare seguendo la trama, mentre altri richiederanno un po' più di impegno. Assicurati di utilizzare i controlli per capovolgere alcuni indizi mentre li cerchi. Alcuni suggerimenti non saranno contrassegnati come trovati finché non li avrai esaminati attentamente.

Quando non riesci a trovare un indizio, tieni d'occhio una piccola luce bianca: significa che c'è qualcosa con cui puoi interagire.

Fino all'alba, indizi del capitolo 1

Puoi scoprire l'unico e solo indizio nel primo capitolo di Until Dawn mentre controlli Sam. Fai attenzione a un manifesto ricercato sul lato del piccolo edificio una volta che hai incontrato Chris e sei arrivato alla funivia. Se segui Chris sul retro, ti mostrerà una pistola; l'arma sarà sul lato sinistro del percorso. Puoi trovare questo indizio nella serie Mystery Man.

Il secondo capitolo: Fino all'alba

Ci sono quattordici indizi distinti sparsi nel Capitolo 2.

Borsa porta ascia

Supponendo che tu abbia il controllo di Chris quando raggiungi la loggia, segui Josh all'interno e scruta il muro per trovare un'apertura. Qui puoi trovare un porta-ascia vuoto; è un indizio per Mystery Man.

Rivelazione dello scandalo sui giornali

Quando Chris è solo nella loggia, dovresti riuscire a trovare due porte che conducono fuori dal garage. In questa camera, sullo scaffale, puoi vedere un frammento di giornale; procedi prima attraverso la porta di sinistra.

Suggerimento sul ritratto di famiglia

Trova questa foto sul muro del corridoio dopo essere uscito dal garage.

Guida da un messaggio di segreteria telefonica

Una volta entrati nella lounge del lodge, tenete d'occhio un arco che si trova a sinistra delle porte della cucina. L'uomo misterioso sulla montagna in Until Dawn è spiegato più in dettaglio in un messaggio della segreteria telefonica che potete ascoltare se procedete verso questa stanza.

Immagine segreta per la notte del ballo

Keep an eye out for this photo on the table adjacent to the kitchen entrance as you pass by.

The kitchen door is the only one on the main floor of the living room that is closed; unfortunately, you are unable to open it at the moment.

Photo Hint: The Beach

Enter the basement by descending the steps. Located on a table adjacent to the theater entrance, prior to the staircase leading down, you will find this photograph.

Film Award Mystery

Get yourself up to the balcony, which has a view of the living area. Next to a stack of books, you'll see this trophy on a shelf.

Clue on Cigar Stub

This hint won't appear until after you've jumped into the mine with Jess and are controlling Mike. Just keep going straight; right before you get out of the mine, you'll see a little room on the right. Here, the stub rests on a barrel.

Secret Symbol Decipherment

Be sure to examine the back wall of the chamber where you discovered the cigar stub; it bears the painting of the Mystical Symbol.

Lost Map of Peril

To exit the mine, keep going down the main road, but first, you should see a table with a map on it.

Postcard Mystery

Just before Sam goes into her bath, and you take control of her, you'll find the following clue. Take a left as you leave the restroom and enter Hannah's room. On her nightstand, you'll find the postcard.

Tattoo Card Mystery

On the dresser beside Hannah's bed is where you'll also discover the tattoo card in her room.

Hint for the Compatibility Test

In Hannah's room, you'll find the third and last clue in her closet, which is located in the rear. Once you enter this cramped space, you'll see the test spread out on the floor.

Clue for the Second Cigar Stub

Make sure to turn around and head up the pathway that Chris and Josh walked on to find an entry to the lodge when you take control of Matt. In the snow close to the lodge wall, you can find a second cigar stub, which is a fresh clue.

Until Dawn, Chapter 3: Clues

There are seven hints in Until Dawn's Chapter 3.

Relic Mask Suspect

While guiding Mike and Jess to the cottage in Chapter 3, you'll come across the game's first hint. By a brook lies a dilapidated cottage. Inside, on a shelf, you should see the Ancient Mask.

Book Clue for Native Americans

After you and Jess arrive to the cabin, you can find this book on a little table by the fireplace. On the side that is nearest the cabin window you can find it.

Tennis Picture Mystery

Enter the kitchen and take a left before lighting the fire for Jess. At the very end of the corridor, on a table, you'll find this photograph.

Case Clue Regarding Hannah's Glasses

This hint will only become apparent once you assume control of Ashley following the seance. Find Hannah's glasses case on a table before you and Chris travel downstairs; it's at the end of the tiny corridor.

Subterranean Light Signal

Upon descending the stairs with Chris, seek out the light in the chamber immediately preceding the library. As you enter, it's on the ground to your left.

Unmissable: Portrait Photo & Dangerous Letter Indications

Fortunately, you can't ignore either of these hints because they play a role in the plot. Once you assume control of Chris and uncover the secret passage in the library, you will find it.

A Letter Clue from Native Americans

After you find the previous clues, the door will open on its own; while controlling Chris, go inside. At the very end of the hall, on your left, you should see a little table. You can find the letter on this table.

If you're looking for the finest horror games that the PlayStation 2 had to offer, look no further.

Chapter 4, Suggestions Up until Dawn

Until Dawn's Chapter 4 continues the trend of having just one clue per chapter, similar to the first chapter. Take control of Chris as he searches for Ashley; he will be able to uncover this clue. When you reach a fork in the snowy trail, bear left. Head into this direction, be cautious of the jump fright, and you'll see the pig's head laying on the ground.

Chapter 5, Until Dawn: Indications

In Until Dawn, Chapter 5 features sixteen clues.

Suspect in Administrative Notes

If you take control of Mike, you'll end yourself in the mountaintop Sanitorium. Once inside, you'll see a little table positioned by the main entrance. Here you can find the administrative notes.

Because a cutscene starts playing the moment you enter the building, you may have to go backwards a little before you can discover them. You can find the hint once the cutscene ends.

Clue for Clocking-In Cards

Take a left as you reach the administrative wing and search for a safe. You can open the safe by grabbing the wooden board that sits next to it. Inside you will find the clock-in cards.

Problem with the Camera

The malfunctioning camera is resting on a tiny set of drawers on the left side of the administrative area, immediately after you exit the room containing the safe. It is on the other side of the door from where you must enter in order to proceed.

Revealed Newspaper Tidbit

Just ahead of you in the corridor as you exit the administrative area is an entrance to a dilapidated office. Once inside, look on a desk for the old newspaper.

Medical Record Suspect

Find another rundown office before you descend the steps to the mortuary. Inside, on a desk, you should see some medical records.

Chair Restraint Solution

After you've made it to the morgue and retrieved the machete, enter a tiny chamber on your right. A restraining chair is concealed behind some green drapes, which you can pull back.

Update on Miners' Clue via Telegram

Turn around and go back through the building, past the bed where you found the machete. The path forward can be identified at one point by the wolf's shadow running down the hallway in front of you. Locate the miner's telegram on a table in a small room on your right before entering the corridor.

Curious Skull Mystery

Examine the bookcases in the mortuary once you've gotten past the eerie hand protruding from the table. A peculiar skull can be found atop these bookcases.

Find the Name Tag

On the lengthy side of the mortuary wall, there is one chilly room that you can access. Discover a name tag within when you open it.

Mystery of the Death Certificate

Beyond this area, on the opposite side, you'll find two further frigid chambers that you can access. The security tag you need to proceed is in one, and a clue about a death certificate is in the other.

Relics from the Past Wall

Just inside the church, after you've seen the wolf, you'll see an open gate on your right. This little side chamber is where you may find the clippings wall.

Case for Cigars

Located in the center of the church, on a little table accompanied by a few seats, is a cigar box containing a solitary cigar.

The Photo Clue for Miner Rescue

Be on the lookout for a photo of a miner's rescue to the right and rear of this spacious room as you exit the chapel and make your way down the long staircase.

You Can't Miss Axe Clue

Under his command, Matt will accompany Emily as they make their way to the cable car station in search of an escape route. You'll find the axe jammed in the door as part of the story.

Beth's Phone Clue

After you cross the path outside and reach a big opening near the top of the hill, turn left to spot a covered bridge. Navigate to the bridge and look under the boards for Beth's phone.

Scam Card Mystery

After you take control of Sam, you'll notice this hint after she gets out of the bath. To get to the lodge's main entrance, follow the balloons down to the ground level. The business card is on a little table near the front door; you would have also passed this area in Chapter 2 when walking with Chris.

Until Dawn, Chapter 6: Clues

There are nine hints in Chapter 6 of Until Dawn.

Identifying Hannah's Poster

Find Hannah's lost poster in a locker in the chamber when you reach the top of the ranger tower as Emily.

Identifying Beth's Poster

After you've turned on the electricity to the outside ranger tower, locate the printer and use it to print out the poster that Beth has been missing.

Suspect Camera Reveal

This clue can be found in the basement when you regain control of Ashley. The camera is concealed behind some boxes to your right after you've explored the doll house and gone through the self-opening door (be careful of the jump fright).

Discover the Mystery of Lightbulb Catalog

You can find the lightbulb catalog on a long table in the same spot where you discovered the camera.

To get the clue, you have to flip through the catalog.

Clue from Fake Newspapers

The phony newspapers won't be found until you continue exploring the hidden hotel for a bit longer. Once Chris and Ashley have finished talking, you should be able to spot a room with two pillars. In the far corner of this room you'll find the stacks of newspapers.

A Primer on Batteries and Timers

As you pass through a doorway shortly after discovering the newspapers, you will become aware of some peculiar electrical sounds. When you turn to your left, you should be able to hear the sounds of batteries being set to timers.

"Holds and Chains" Mystery

There are some rather gory sights waiting for you in the motel kitchen. The first is a wall-mounted assembly of chains and hooks that runs parallel to the kitchen entrance.

Rusty Pig Mystery

Look to your right after you've examined the chains and hooks; there's a dead pig dangling from one of them.

Friend Photo Logic Game

Upon entering the kitchen, you will see this clue directly ahead of you. You can find images of all your buddies in Until Dawn on a little cork board.

These games employ a more psychological strategy by subtly creeping into players' thoughts, as opposed to other horror games that depend on blood and jump scares.

Until Dawn, Chapter 7: Clues

There are sixteen hints in Chapter 7.

A Hint at Death Machine's Plans

Upon resuming control of Sam following her psycho escape, upon exiting the tunnel, look straight ahead (to your left). To get the blueprints for the death machine, you must lift a piece of paper from a cork board.

The Lost Phone of Josh

Together with Sam, you have apparently entered the psycho's workshop. On the farthest metal shelf, between a couple of boxes, you should be able to find Josh's cellphone.

Mental Health Report Suspect

Find a desk with an open drawer just across from where you discovered Josh's phone. Here you can find the report.

Remembrance Circle Suspect

A Remembrance Board of the twins can be found at the back of the room, before you go out the exit.

Audio Recordings as a Hint

Be on the lookout for audio recordings beyond the diminutive set of stairs when you spot a door that Sam can sneak a peek through to discover the psycho's plans.

Not to be Missed: The Clue About Sam's Clothes

This dummy is identical to the one Chris and Ashley saw before; Sam can use it as a lead by investigating it. Upon entering the room, it becomes immediately apparent.

Trick with Video Camera

A video camera mounted on a tripod is also located adjacent to the dummy.

Photo Hint: Miner

In the mines, when you get control of Emily, you will find this. To advance, you must free a mining cart; but, before you do so, you must open a verdant trunk adjacent to the cart in order to retrieve this photograph.

Machine Clocking-In Suggestion

Locate the Clocking-In Machine on the far side of the room you enter after sending the mining cart through the door. It can be found on the left side of the ladder that leads to the upstairs electrical box.

Family Photo Hint from a Miner

After you've slid down the skull and skeleton tunnel, keep an eye out for a little cave-in on your right. The family photo is kept in a little lockbox.

The Clue of Hannah's Glasses

There is a jumble of splintered boards just by the snow-capped rock. Between these boards, you can locate Hannah's spectacles.

Hidden Image: Tattoo

On the same wall as her spectacles, you can see Hannah's tattoo photo on a couple of oil containers.

Deciphering Rock Marks

You should be able to spot some metal sheets resting on a big boulder close to the splintered boards where Hannah's spectacles were discovered. Separate the sheets to see the rock markings.

A Cross Clue by Beth

Just before you enter the granite archway, take a right turn into a tiny, easily-missed nook; this is the trail leading up from the cave where you discovered the prior clues. At the very end of this narrow space is Beth's crucifix.

Hidden in Hannah's Locket

Continue walking straight until you reach your limit, then open the gate to return to the room with the elevator. On top of a stack of oil drums sits Hannah's locket; to unlock it and activate the hint, give it a good shake.

Not to be Missed: Beth's Head Clue

Upon discovering the locket and opening the metal gate, a cutscene containing Beth's head will play out, serving as an immediate clue.

Up to Dawn, Chapter 8: Indications

Finding the two clues in Chapter 8 of Until Dawn is no easy task.

Puzzle for a Romantic Postcard

When you discover this clue, you will still be playing as Emily. After the guy throws her down and gives her the flare, find the rundown shack where she came to a stop. Here you can find the postcard.

Capitoli 1–5: Cannibalismo, storia, combattimento e informazioni sui morsi

Mentre esamina il libro dello sconosciuto, Ashley può trovare tutti e cinque questi suggerimenti. Prima di procedere, gira le pagine a sinistra per ottenere l'indizio Intro.

Il nono capitolo: Fino all'alba

Ci sono cinque indizi da trovare nel capitolo 9.

Rilevatore di cimiteri temporanei

Ritorna alla cappella come Mike e cerca due cancelli che prima erano inaccessibili. Per raggiungere il cimitero improvvisato, entra nell'edificio attraverso il cancello sulla destra e continua all'interno fino a raggiungere l'esterno.

Risultati del rapporto del medico professionista

Osserva la piccola stanza sulla tua sinistra quando scendi la prima rampa di scale nel reparto psichiatrico; sopra c'è la parola "Detenzione". Sbircia dentro questa stanza per scoprire il rapporto del dottore.

Suggerimento per bobina di film antiquata

Una volta aperto un cancello e seguito il lupo giù per un'altra rampa di scale, svolta a sinistra e continua ad andare avanti. Questa è un'ala completamente nuova che potresti visitare. Trova l'antica macchina fotografica nella stanza sul lato sinistro del corridoio; aprila e controlla all'interno per trovare la bobina di pellicola.

Indizio dal Dossier del Caso Studio

Dovresti vedere un'altra camera sulla destra mentre continui lungo questo corridoio. All'interno, vedrai una scrivania che potresti controllare. All'interno puoi trovare il dossier del caso di studio.

Un mistero di una lettera di suicidio

All'estremità della camera dove è stato scoperto il documento, dovresti vedere delle assi di legno illuminate da una luce. Puoi scoprire un corpo con una lettera in suo possesso se le spingi oltre e spari al chiavistello della porta.

Fino all'alba, capitolo 10: indizi

Ci sono due indizi nel capitolo 10, l'ultimo capitolo di Until Dawn.

L'orologio di Beth

Nel tuo ruolo di Sam, individua una tomba dissotterrata con l'orologio di Beth al suo interno seguendo un piccolo sentiero sulla sinistra prima di tuffarti in mare con Mike.

Suggerimento da un diario scarabocchiato

Non appena entri in acqua, tieni d'occhio una sporgenza adiacente alla ruota idraulica sulla tua sinistra. Trova il diario improvvisato di Hannah che ha tenuto mentre era intrappolata nelle miniere salendo su questa sporgenza.

A questo punto, dovresti aver scoperto ogni indizio in Until Dawn. Tutti i risultati che derivano dalla loro scoperta saranno tuoi e il mistero completo della montagna sarà svelato, insieme a cosa è successo a Beth e Hannah.

Ora che sai dove trovare tutti gli indizi in Until Dawn remake, usa la nostra guida per svolgere questa ricerca facilmente.

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