Come completare il Dungeon del Tempio del Drago per Metaphor ReFantazio


In questa guida spieghiamo come completare il Dungeon del Tempio del Drago per Metaphor ReFantazio.

Metaphor ReFantazio Dragon Temple è un dungeon enorme e difficile. A prima vista assomiglia a un dungeon fantasy tradizionale, ma esplorandolo di più, scoprirai che in realtà è piuttosto grande. Potrebbe essere troppo per alcuni giocatori a causa del gran numero di livelli, passaggi e caratteristiche. Se hai problemi a superare questa istanza labirintica, abbiamo messo insieme una guida per aiutarti a sconfiggere i mostri e completare il dungeon.

Come completare il Dungeon del Tempio del Drago per Metaphor ReFantazi?

Preparatevi per la caccia al dungeon!

Una volta arrivati, avrete un po' di tempo per fare shopping nella cittadina di Virga Island. È fondamentale includere quanto segue:

  • Oggetti che ripristinano MP (come pozioni di Magla, pillole di Magla, ecc.)
  • Non potrai acquistarli, quindi tieni stretto il poco che hai fino alle fasi avanzate del dungeon.
  • Dotatevi di armi in grado di resistere ai nemici di tipo Pianta.
  • Ci sono un paio di armi nel negozio di armi/armature che sono efficaci contro i nemici di tipo Pianta. Comprarne due è un must. Un paio per il Guerriero/Maestro di spada/Samurai e un paio per il Ladro/Assassino/Ninja sono le mie raccomandazioni.

Ecco cosa devi selezionare per gli Archetipi:

  • Il protagonista è un samurai o uno spadaccino. Impara come costruire una formazione dal tuo comandante.
  • Hulkenberg: Il Cavaliere della Magia. Lascia in eredità gli incantesimi di Ghiaccio ed Elettrici del Mago o dello Stregone a te stesso.
  • Strohl è un pugile. Prendi a cuore le abilità di Brawler.
  • Assassino, Heismay. Continua con il Pugno Perfetto del Rissante e il Colpo Sonno del Gunner.
  • Junah: Ballerina con una maschera. Applica la Maschera del Mago.
  • Per le cure ad area d'effetto e le pozioni di recupero da alterazioni di stato, fai scorta di oggetti Fairy Dust se puoi. Hex, Burn e Poison sono tre abilità che gli avversari possono infliggerti.

Entrando nel Tempio del Drago

Devo sottolineare prima di entrare nel Tempio del Drago che è uno dei dungeon più lunghi di Metaphor: ReFantazio. Inoltre, ci sono avversari che hanno molta salute, attacchi potenti e altri trucchi esplorativi che potrebbero essere frustranti. Quindi, salva una volta fuori dal tempio, una volta prima di salire a bordo del Gauntlet Runner e un'altra volta prima di effettuare il login con il tuo solito account. Dopo aver letto i tuoi Archetipi, entriamo.

La ricerca delle pietre polari}

Among the several quests within the Dragon Temple, the one that requires you to locate the Polar Stones for the Mustari on Vigra Island could be the most perplexing. Despite what the quest says, not all stones are at the temple's entryway. The other two are somewhere in the labyrinth, but the one at the entrance is absolutely there. Although obtaining just one is sufficient to complete the quest, the payout increases when all three are located. The stones can be found in the following locations, presuming you are wandering the maze:

  • The first one stands out and is quite easy to locate. Defeating the wasps and obtaining the Polar Stone—hidden behind a few breakable jars—must be done before venturing down the Labyrinthine Path.
  • A second one can be found at the left-hand entrance to the Labyrinthine Path, sandwiched between the second and third flight of steps running clockwise from right to left. On the image up there, we've marked the spot.
  • After you've made it to the end of the Maze, you'll find the third one. To locate the last Polar Stone, face the exit and turn left twice before turning right again. As a reference, you can use the image up there.

Delving into the Winding Road

As a new exploration mechanic in Metaphor ReFantazio, you must navigate the labyrinth within the Dragon Temple before you can locate the Polar Stones. As long as you keep in mind that you're heading in the wrong direction when the fog gets thick, exploring it isn't difficult. This means that you will have to turn around if you descend or ascend certain stairs and the screen becomes foggy. Here is an illustration to help you with the route:

Dragon Temple and Maze Path Treasure Hunt

Here is the treasure you can find both inside and outside the labyrinth before entering the next section of the dungeon:

  • There are a total of the following items: Scintillating Marble, Spirit Dust, Graced Water, Mossy Longarm, Foreign Coin, Opal, Magician White Mask, Blessed Water, Firebloom Signal, and Firebloom Signal (Commander/General Weapon).
  • One hero's fruit
  • Three items: a Magla pill, a strength white mask, enduring incense, and a tranquil trilby (hat accessory with four magical properties; it prevents rage).
  • One turquoise Paladin's mace (a weapon for healers and clerics).
  • The Mindbreak Hammer x1
  • Level 1 Holy Ossuary and Level 1 Mossy Hard Armor
  • Your name, Drakongrace, (REMOVED)

The complete name of this area is shocking and unexpected, so I won't give it away. As an alternative, I will simply detail the items, a handful of enemy tactics, and some pointers on how to solve certain puzzles. Also, Slice and Strike, Electric Magic, Wind, and Fire aren't very effective against most of the enemies here. So, let's get right down to business.

An Auction of Artifacts

This zone is relatively straightforward. There's a Magla Hollow where you may take a break, store your progress, and consult your friends for advice.

The local Ear Human fauna constitute the backbone of the latest exploratory ploy. Just like in the picture up top, you'll see them meandering along a red route. The thing you need to understand here is that they move at the same time as you but just inside the red region. You can move to the sides, front and back, or sprint in circles, but the adversary will stick to that red region; remember this.

The Steel Rendezvous

This floor is a bit complicated to traverse, with much of it requiring you to lock Ear Humans behind some doors and evade them by utilizing contraptions. The tasks aren’t too tough, but in case any of these animals catch you, they are weak to Electric Magic. As long as you spam that and stay in the back row, you’ll be good.

For example, in the accompanying image, you can see the human moving from one side of the room to another. There is also a lever on the wall you can pull to lock the human behind a door and let you roam freely. Most of the problems here will feature the same gimmick, so pull levers anytime you see them. Again, all of them are fairly straightforward to solve, so there is no need to go into them more than that.

Ghost Town of Dreams

You should end up in this final section if you follow the hallways that lead to the elevators or stairs. All opponents here are level 41–45, with level 45 being the strongest, making this section of the dungeon the most challenging. The good news is that people are really frail. Although they are vulnerable defensively, Golden Human Teeth are impervious to all threats. Sending them spam AoE assaults. Use the standard attacks from all of your Archetypes against frying pan humans because they are vulnerable to slice assaults. The last piece of advice is to switch Junah and Strohl and use Strohl's Pugilist talents on the egg-like monsters because they are vulnerable to Strike assaults.

You must vanquish the genuine Ear Human after completing this section and activating the elevator. Its speed means you'll need to confine it inside a room if you want to capture it. I accomplished this by opening the gates on the room's distant corners. Electric Magic has no effect on this monster. One way to deal damage is by using Hulkenberg's Synthesis ability. When you've finished with that, head back to the main floor.

The Big Aha! and the Fight with the Boss

Because this region is very brief in comparison to others, you need merely worry about collecting loot, killing monsters to level up, and progressing to the last area. To recover your party's MP before the final fight, use the Divine Elixir outside of the Magla Hollow. You should have gotten one before the encounter.

Fight of Drako Eht

Oddly, compared to other enemies you faced in the dungeon, Drako Eht, the last boss of the Dragon Temple in Metaphor: ReFantazio, isn't nearly as powerful. You can take advantage of the fact that the new Archetype you'll be able to access has powerful Wind Magic—just spam those skills—to defeat it, as it is vulnerable to Wind Magic. If you're a Samurai, you should use your Synthesis talent to deal Wind damage. A certain point in time, the rider will drain the Dragon's health. It won't amount to much, so you should just keep casting spells until you vanquish the opponent. After you've won, you'll get these:

  • There are 6,900 experience points, 828 AP, 4,500 mag, and 3,500 reeve (money).
  • A single Priestess Heart
  • A single Dragon's Breath
  • The Avatar's Talisman x1
  • Your name, Drakongrace, (REMOVED) Loot

Finally, this is a complete inventory of all the items found on each level of the Dragon Temple in Metaphor ReFantazio:

  • Pallid Thinstalk four times, Priestess White Mask once
  • There are six Golden Strands, four Quartz Vines, two Graced Waters, and one Mossy Weapon.
  • A Serene First x1 Aquamarine (Warrior/Pugilist Weapon - Can be cleaned)
  • Quartz wall material, speed incense, and a fortune white mask (x1)
  • White Mask of Justice x1
  • One Chef's Mitt (Accessory/Strength and Magic +2/Prevents Burn)
  • Incredible Health Care x1
  • Thread of Ariadne x1
  • This is a single Fire Mist Katana, a weapon for thieves and assassins that can imbue attacks with fire.
  • The Avatar's Talisman x1
  • Leaf of Light x2 for Heroes
  • One Outstanding Mossy Curio
  • Amulet of Magla
  • Two of Magla Injection, one of Spirit Dew, one of Death White Mask, one of Raiju's Breath, one of Superior Mossy Weapon, one of Star White Mask, one of Ruby, and one of Balm of Life.
  • One Mindbreak Hammer and one Garnet
  • Abacus All-In x1 (Warrior of Merchants and Tycoons - Every strike is a devastating one)
  • One piece of purifiable alabaster mail
  • (All regular attacks are enhanced with Electric Magic) Lightning Glaive x1
  • One Coddled Chocker (Accessory): Decreases damage when weakness hits.
  • The following items: Sumptuous Magla Feast (completely restores MP of one ally), Heavenly Water (x1), Blessed Water (x1), Evil Eye Talisman (x1), Luck Incense (x1)
  • One white fool's mask, one white magician's mask, and one sapphire
  • At the beginning of a combat, you can use Great Spirit Dust and one pair of horse shoes as an accessory.
  • At the beginning of a fight, the Tortoise Jambeau casts Rakukaja as an accessory.
  • The Best Mossy One longarm
  • Exciting Tricorne x1 (Magic Increased by +5)
  • Power Incense, one
  • A single dragonblood sap
  • One Divine Elixir

Metaphor ReFantazio's Dragon Temple is, as you may see, no easy feat to explore. But it has some of the game's best loot as well as a plethora of items that will help you be ready for battles in the later stages. Dive headfirst into this weird place and face all the enemies there with all the knowledge you've gained on your quest.

Ora che sai come completare il Dungeon del Tempio del Drago per Metaphor ReFantazio, puoi seguire i nostri passaggi e il gioco è fatto.

piattaforma(s): PlayStation 4 ps4, PlayStation 5 ps5, Windows pc, Xbox Series X/S
Sviluppato da: Studio Zero
Distribuito da: Sega, Atlus
Genero(s): Gioco di ruolo
Modo: giocatore singolo
fascia d'età: +16

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