If you want to know how to get more flourishes in Griftlands pay attention, because here we will tell you how to do it.What are the flourishes in Griftlands?
It is a massive attack that you can use both in battles and negotiations. For this attack you will have to accumulate this ability throughout a game and every time you play a card, do damage or kill an enemy, you can get points that will allow you to reach the Flowering bar and when you get 200 points, you can activate the Flourish. But do you know how to get more flourishes?
How to get more flourishes in Griftlands?
When you start the game, you will only have two options, but you can unlock more with the temper vendor at night using Prestige Points. To obtain prestige points you will have to eliminate the bosses of each prestige level.
By eliminating one of the first mini-bosses at prestige level 1, you can position yourself at level 2 to get points from them again. Keep in mind that you will need to have beaten the game at your current prestige.
You should also bear in mind that each character has eight characteristics that you can access during battles and negotiations, they can be improved, but for this you will have to use more prestige points, but it is worth it to access new skills without having to switch between games, but you can use them immediately when activating Flourish.
That's all you have to know about how to get more flourishes in Griftlands, we hope our guide has been as useful as possible, and you manage to get as many flourishes as you need to improve the use of skills in each battle.
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