Daniel Hidalgo
2021-01-14 08:23:27

This article has everything you need to know about solving a battery puzzle in Greedfall, so let's continue.

What is the battery puzzle about in Greedfall.

This is a section of the mission called "Face to Face with the Demon" that is costing players a lot of work by hitting three reels in a certain pattern and then using a potion on a plant. Fortunately here we will tell you how to solve a battery puzzle.

How to solve a battery puzzle in Greedfall?

The correct order to hit the drums is: right, left and then middle. Which would be the firefly, the frog, and then the snake.

After hitting the drums you will have to turn 180 degrees to find a plant in the water that needs a potion that you will find to the left of the drum area.
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You will be able to see a large log that must be jumped and then the second log will appear. You will have to reach an area with a firefly on the wall and then a corpse lying on the ground with a key.

If you don't have a level 2 lock you will have to remove the key from the body. For what you will have to go a little west until you find a chest near a tent in the forest where you will find the key and a pot of potions.

Return to the altar of plants and kill the monster that will appear to continue the search for the Fall of Greed.

  Now that you know how to solve a battery puzzle in Greedfall you should be ready to complete the puzzle and move on with the mission. Remember that in our previous guides you can find more content about this and other titles that will be useful if you follow.