Daniel Hidalgo
2019-07-17 20:40:52

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 We know that you always want to win in Teamfight Tactics (TFT), and today we will tell you what are the best tactics to get wins.

Many are those who have been wondering what are the best tactics to get wins in Teamfight Tactics (TFT), and that is something fundamental if you want to kill all enemies in the most efficient way. This is not something new, in fact, it is a common strategy autobmatler titles, but there are several things that can only be done in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) and want to know, including many of the best tactics to get wins.

Before knowing what are the best tactics to get wins in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) there are some things you should keep in mind. And is that, if you want to have the best tactics to get wins, you will have to know how to manage your gold, the recipes of elements, the identification of champions and time, but in addition you must know that Teamfight Tactics (TFT) is reduced to RNG and its ability to react to that so we can not tell you everything we want. Without more we leave you with everything we know below.

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The best tactics to get victories in Teamfight Tactics (TFT)

We have investigated which are better tactics to get victories and we have classified them in economy, positioning of tactics, tactical classes and team tactics in Teamfight Tactics (TFT).

What are the best economic tactics to get wins in Teamfight Tactics (TFT).

The economy is probably one of the best tactics to get wins in Teamfight Tactics (TFT). In general, having money is important to facilitate many things, so one of your best tactics to get wins in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) will be to know how to manage your economy well.

The good thing is that it is not so complicated, you can earn money by winning a streak, but if you also lose, you are clearly not saying that you can or do not win, simply if you win, you get more money and if you lose you earn less money.

Another way to win more gold when winning battles is to level up, so that the levels of money to win or lose increase when you rise in level.

You can also accumulate money by selling your champions in exchange for some money.

At this point the game implements a system similar to interests in your favor, where for every 10 coins you have accumulated you will receive an additional currency.

Although it is always necessary to spend some money and refresh the store either to increase your level or the size of the team when you are going through a crippling time during battles.

 What are the best positioning tactics to get wins in Teamfight Tactics (TFT).

Position your killers in the bottom line because they teleport to the back of the enemy when the battle begins. Many times your assassins will try to jump in front of the enemies and they will change their units so you do not touch their champion. Keep in mind that before starting the fight you do not know who you are going to fight with, which is impossible to detect. Although in late game or one to one is a bit easier to detect by clicking on the icon to see what they do.

Another way to improve the positioning of tactics is to configure the teams and put them on the defensive to squeeze their maximum power, although if they are weak you will have to improve their attacks.

 What are the best class tactics to get wins in Teamfight Tactics (TFT).

Classes play an important role in getting the best tactics for winning Teamfight Tactics (TFT).

Especially when it comes to the same classes, you can get great benefits by accumulating a certain amount of them, for example, in the case of Ninjas, if you manage to accumulate four of them you will get 80% more physical damage.

Ninja-Assassin that is built around Zed is one of the most pupular combinations thanks to its high level of power, and so other combinations can generate great levels of power, it's just a matter of experimenting.

 What are the best fighting tactics to get wins in Teamfight Tactics (TFT).

The best fighting tactic you can use is to kill the enemies that carry items that you can take, you can identify the type of item you are carrying because it will be reflected on your head, although many times it can be a matter of chance. One of the enemies that you can take advantage of are the Champions of the carousel phase. There are 8 basic elements that you can combine to get one from another different level of weirdness.

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