Today we bring you an explanatory guide with everything you need to know about How to play Jaguar in FragPunk.
FragPunk presents you with a fantastic world where you will live exciting adventures that will keep you on the edge of your seat at all times while having fun in the process. You should keep in mind that the game is currently in its closed beta phase and therefore, you will be able to enjoy a battlefield where 12 Lancers face each other in intense matches.
Although all the Lancers will be very useful to you during your adventures, Jaguar tends to stand out in a positive way, since he is presented as an electrifying character that redefines combat. His electric abilities turn each confrontation into a spectacle of sparks and discharges, offering an aggressive and explosive style of play. If you don't know how to play with him, don't worry, as we bring you an explanatory guide with everything you need to know about it, so, keep reading and join us.
NOTE: This article is subjective since certain parts are the author's opinions. Take precautions.
Live Wire: The tactic sets up an electrified area in which opponents do not like to move and take constant damage. Use Live Wire to mark control points, block choke points, or protect planted converters. Enemies in such a zone will become easy prey, providing a huge advantage tactically to your team.
Electric Avenue: This is a wired cage deploying to trap enemies inside its perimeter for some time. The strategic implications will be twofold:
I Can See for Miles: Situational awareness doesn't get much better than this. If you use it directly after Electric Avenue, it shows where each of the enemies tagged are, so that you pick off from a distance and never give away your position. You'll be able to take out several before they can even move around.
Plant with Confidence: Electric Avenue can be created around the converter site for camouflage purposes. Enemies would not be able to see what's going on, and disrupting the attempts to contest the plant gives a huge tactical upper hand to your team.
Situational Awareness: "I Can See for Miles" is an excellent skill to spot enemies, but in and of itself, it does not win team fights. After using the skill, always be situationally aware. Be tactical in your positioning and attacking. Note positions of the most dangerous opponents and take into consideration retaliation capabilities. You don't want to get picked off in the open!
Jaguar truly shines in a well-coordinated team. Here's how:
In conclusion, we hope that this guide on How to play Jaguar in FragPunk will be helpful to you and that you can enjoy this incredible character that will make you live exciting and fun experiences. You will only need to be very attentive and follow the instructions provided, all this, while enjoying the content that FragPunk has to offer.