Cette fois, nous revenons avec un guide dans le but de vous expliquer tous les emplacements des protoparts d'armes dans Jurassic World dans Funko Fusion.
Dans Funko Fusion, vous visiterez de nombreuses planètes, chacune avec son lot de défis et d'ennemis particuliers. Dans certains mondes, vous vous battrez contre des machines mortelles, dans d'autres, comme Jurassic World et d'autres chapitres similaires, vous affronterez des dinosaures puissants mais mystérieux.
Les couronnes d'argent sont plus un problème que les dilophosaures dans Dilopho Saw Us de Funko Fusion.
Sans plus d'armement, vos personnages n'auront d'autre choix que de se rabattre sur les armes de mêlée et les dégâts physiques, ou de compter sur des frappes à longue portée. C'est vrai, mais vous pourriez vouloir étendre cet armement. Si c'est le cas, il ne vous reste plus qu'à vous procurer ces prototypes d'armes !
En commençant le chapitre dans le bâtiment Pop Sicle, tournez-vous vers votre gauche pour voir celui-ci. Plus loin, passez devant le Flaming Tiki et le centre d'information touristique. Lorsqu'un groupe de ninjas et de gardes vous attaque près du fossile préhistorique géant sur votre gauche, tuez-les. Avancez entre les deux bâtiments, le Flaming Tiki et Amber Nuggets, avec le fossile géant dans le dos de votre personnage.
À ce stade, après les vélociraptors, les ninjas attaqueront. L'un d'eux sera éclairé en rouge. Si vous voulez le prototype d'arme, vous devez le poursuivre et le battre. Regardez bien autour de la carte, ou revenez au début du chapitre si vous ne le trouvez pas.
Cette partie rouge apparaît après avoir joué à « Beats on the Streets », le deuxième chapitre du monde d'Umbrella Academy. Vous devez faire plaisir au personnage en visite, Knight Rider, et le vaincre dans une course. « Dilopho Saw Us » est l'une des cartes sur lesquelles il vous fera courir si vous gagnez.
« Dilopho nous a vus ! » vous demande de sortir du bâtiment Pop Sicle, de tourner à droite et de trouver Knight Rider. Traversez l'arche en bambou et descendez le sentier. Tournez à gauche et suivez le chemin en forme d'allée après être entré dans la zone nommée Tyrannosaurus Rex Kingdom.
Vous pouvez à peine distinguer un camion noir. À la seconde où vous faites sauter les verrous, Knight Rider arrive et il veut vous faire la course. Battez-le et vous obtiendrez l'un des prototypes d'armes.
This chapter will start off at the base of the building titled Jurassic Innovation. Take out the batteries and open the electric door; a branch will be inside. Turn left onto the dusty road. Far away, after you've crossed into the region that's passed the guarded part, you'll see a region containing two round iron gates. Go up the stairs to the right side of this region.
Watch out for the enemy because this is where one of the Raptors you need for the chapter objective will be. Among them will be a crimson-glowing ninja. Snatch Weapon Protoparts off him before he escapes.
Battle Star Galactica's 'Ovian And Out,' the fourth world chapter is where you can acquire this Weapon Protopart. An access card will be required in finding the cameo character Voltron in this chapter. After finding Voltron, he will provide you with quests across other planet chapters. A good example of such is "Raptor Rescue."
'Raptor Rescue' tasks you with finding Voltron once you've seen him. Exit the room via the electronic door and then take a left when you reach the dirt road fork. Pass by the perimeter gate and you'll encounter a large, domed building that looks like it's off of a penitentiary. Keep to your left and continue forward toward the green machinery in the distance.
Keeping the green machine on your right, there is a dirt road heading downward. Just down the road from the blue cars is an area that resembles a roundabout, like a railroad crossing; follow it. You'll find Voltron by going down the hill next to the sign that is on your left.
If you are at all having any trouble accessing Voltron's area, be a good friend to yourself and future parts of the quest by grabbing a Bounce Pad off of the blue machine in the area. After you have spoken with him, Voltron will ask you to find a Trans-Reality Comet.
Proceed in a circle around the jail building until you come to a waterfall and head back in the other direction, making sure to keep it on your right. Right of the waterfall is where the Trans-Reality Comet is located. Bring it to Voltron and get the Weapon Part with defeat the rest of the enemies.
The Weaopon Protopart is pretty simple to get in this chapter. First area, go through the blue door. On the other side of it, there is an iron door with a lock on it. With your gun, blast at the bright yellow sections of the door. Once you break the seal, out will run all manner of prehistoric beasts from this doorway. Among them will be a red-lit ninja. If you want the red Protopart you have to chase after and take him down real fast.
Get this weapon part after defeating "Bark In The Dark," the second chapter of The Thing universe. Locate the cameo character of Megan in this chapter and get into a fight with her using the access card. Once she's encountered, you can fight her in several globe chapters, one of which is Giga Bites.
This part of a weapon will also require the character of Number Five in Umbrella Academy.
When the chapter opens, go ahead and open the blue door. Shoot the yellow sections on the iron door beside it to unlock it. Nab the battery on the right side, charge it, and then proceed to open the next blue door after defeating the attackers. Enter the open space after you'd have turned left in the corridor and waited for the flames to die out.
From here, head straight across the open area and use the yellow arrows painted on the ground to teleport Number Five all the way across to the door. When you are through, smash the crates on the left to reveal a second yellow arrow hidden beneath. Now that you are in the air, click on the high ledge again to teleport back up to it.
To get to Megan's place, just follow the yellow arrow on the edge and teleport. You'll want to wait until Megan gets tired and disoriented some before attacking since she won't take damage immediately. After beating Megan, you will be given the Weapon Part.
You have to advance this portion of the Gyrosphere enough to uncover this Protopart. It will activate an attacking purple T-Rex onto your Gyrosphere. The Gyrosphere will be trapped by a closed gate so you cannot attack it. Turn your right side toward the gate to activate it.
You can make out a bunker over there. Inside that bunker, in the purple chest, lies a valve wheel. Open it and hook the wheel to the pipe on the right side of your chest; turn the wheel for the fire to be smothered. dinosaurs, one of them a ninja with a red glow, will pop out once the fires die down. Don't let him get away or kill him to get the Weapon Protopart.
To obtain this Weapon Part, you'll have to complete "Aisle Four Uproar," the fourth chapter of the Hot Fuzz world. As you might expect from the title, this chapter requires the use of the access card to engage in a game of hide-and-seek with cameo character Chucky. Once you track him down, you'll be able to engage in lethal games of hide-and-seek with him in selected world chapters, such as Pyro Gyro.
First of all, right at the beginning of the chapter you will need to move the Gyrosphere only to a certain position, until you will be able to notice Chucky. The Gyrosphere will stop when it reaches the top of the earth ramp; behind it you will see a metal ring, which looks just like a prison. It's time to get into the outdoor prison via an entrance which is to the left from the flame blocking the way of your Gyrosphere.
Once you've killed all the villains inside, go to the blue machine and locate Chucky's yellow box there. Chucky is a predictable foe, but he is still dangerous after opening it. First, he will rush towards you without taking any damage. After that, you can shoot him; he'll start running and hiding after that.
In order to restart the fight, you have got to find him within the time limit. Now, this process is to be repeated many times. Now, in every round Chucky will be present in the:
Leave this open-air prison and head back toward the Gyrosphere. With the fire now blocking the path to the left of the Gyrosphere, you want to trace the path that the dinosaurs took in fleeing. Make a U-turn onto the gravel road. Straight ahead of you will be the outdoor prison wall with a green mobile outhouse. Chucky's inside.
Return to the open-air prison. Make your way back to the Gyrosphere. Once inside-to the right of the entrance corridor-there's a green portable toilet that swings in the breeze. Chucky's inside.
Head back to the Gyrosphere and position the flame so it blocks your path to the left. You will see a green portable toilet swinging toward the stampeding dinosaurs. For the third time, Chucky will be inside.
From here, turn around so you are facing where Chucky last popped up near the portable toilet. He appeared on the gravel road leading from the Gyrosphere down toward the blue car. There is one last green portable toilet up ahead right of the blue machine. By taking him out here, you'll receive the Weapon Protopart off of him.
The glowing red ninja appears at random and then is gone after some fixed time, so it is sometimes difficult to get the red part of this chapter. You might have to try a couple of times. Try running across the entire map as quickly as possible, looking for the ninja without stopping to fight anyone.
If you have wasted enough time searching and can't find him then start the chapter again. He disappears after a short amount of time so you might have to begin your search for him again once you exit the Innovation Center.
Vous obtenez cette partie rouge en jouant à « Shock Amok », qui se trouve être le quatrième chapitre du royaume des Maîtres de l'univers. Vous devez utiliser le personnage caméo Xena dans ce chapitre en la trouvant à l'aide de la carte d'accès. Après l'avoir trouvée, vous pouvez l'aider dans de nombreux chapitres dans plusieurs mondes. Un exemple de ce type est « Main Street Melee ».
En vous tenant à côté d'Eddy alors que vous descendez la rue en direction du bâtiment Pop Sicle, vous venez de vaincre le boss qui était l'incarnation T-Rex d'Eddy. Pour vous rendre au vendeur de hot-dogs, allez à gauche et empruntez le chemin en bambou. Juste après avoir passé le panneau Tyrannosaurus Rex Kingdom, tournez à gauche et continuez sur le sentier. Une fois arrivé à la machine rouge, tournez à droite après avoir passé les barricades.
Plus tard, vous serez emmené dans un endroit où vivait autrefois le T-Rex ordinaire. Là, vous devrez donner un coup de main à Xena. Pendant les combats sur Battlestar Galactica, vous pourrez vous faciliter la tâche en installant des tourelles avant même de commencer à collecter les caisses bleues. Vous recevrez une pièce d'arme décernée par Xena après avoir vaincu plusieurs vagues d'ennemis.
Nous arrivons donc à la fin de ce guide explicatif, maintenant vous connaissez tous les emplacements des protoparts d'armes dans Jurassic World dans Funko Fusion, faites-le et profitez-en au maximum.