Comment trouver Thaniel dans Baldur's Gate 3



Nous vous invitons à découvrir Comment trouver Thaniel dans Baldur’s Gate 3, une nouvelle tâche dans ce jeu incroyable.

Depuis plus de cent ans, Thaniel est confiné dans la zone de Shadowfell de Baldur's Gate 3. Si vous avez sauvé Emerald Grove des gobelins dans l'acte 1, le druide Halsin restera dans votre camp et vous racontera tout sur lui.

Halsin trouvera une solution au retour de Thaniel après avoir parlé avec Art Cullagh à l'auberge de la Dernière Lumière. Afin de sauver les Terres Maudites par l'Ombre, vous devez retrouver Thaniel et restaurer une partie vitale de son âme qui a été séparée de lui pendant son absence. Cette quête comporte de nombreuses étapes, mais elle est importante pour protéger cette zone. Vous devez l'accomplir avant de continuer vers l'acte trois. Trouver Thaniel et sauver les Terres Maudites par l'Ombre dans Baldur's Gate 3 est facile grâce à ce guide complet.

Comment trouver Thaniel dans Baldur’s Gate 3

Vous pouvez obtenir la quête Réveiller Art Cullagh à l'Auberge de la Dernière Lumière à Baldur's Gate 3 et la terminer pour trouver Thaniel le plus rapidement possible. Vous découvrirez où se trouve Thaniel au cours de cette quête et vous pourrez poursuivre les objectifs révisés de la quête Lever la Malédiction de l'Ombre pour l'atteindre. Vous rencontrerez Cullagh, un personnage clé, mais vous ne saurez pas comment vous réveiller immédiatement. Pour cela, vous pouvez visiter la Maison de la Guérison, vaincre Malus Thorm, puis apporter le Luth Cabossé à Cullagh. Jouez-en près de lui pour le réveiller.

Halsin admettra que Thaniel a été sa pire déception si vous continuez à discuter avec lui dans les Terres Maudites de l'Ombre pendant l'Acte 2. Après toutes ces années, Halsin ne sait toujours pas si Thaniel est vivant ou non, et il ne sait pas non plus comment le trouver.

Après avoir vaincu Malus Thorm et réveillé Art Cullagh dans BG3, vous pouvez commencer à chercher Thaniel. Là, vous découvrirez où trouver Thaniel, et Halsin sera là pour vous aider.

L'emplacement de Halsin, qui a besoin d'aide pour sauver Thaniel

Halsin vous demandera de le rencontrer au Lakeshore, qui est situé non loin de l'auberge Last Light et se trouve approximativement à ces coordonnées: X: -74 et Y: 204.

Vous devez rester en arrière pour défendre la porte d'entrée d'Halsin contre les invasions d'assaillants ; le rencontrer révélera ses intentions d'entrer dans Shadowfell et de sauver Thaniel. Nous vous conseillons de sauvegarder votre profil BG3 et de préparer les membres de votre groupe à un combat difficile avant d'entamer cette conversation avec Halsin.

Make sure they've gotten plenty of sleep, stock up on scrolls, potions, and ammunition, and check your spell shots twice; that's the best method to accomplish this. You should seek out enormous spells that can control big crowds or do AoE damage; examples of such spells include Confusion, Hypnotic Pattern, Hold Person, Glyph of Warding, Hunger of Hagar, and Sleet Storm.

how can one secure Halsin's portal?

Halsin will try to resurrect Thaniel after a brief cutscene plays after you chat with him. But that's why he enlisted your help he wants you to ensure his survival. Keeping Halsin alive for multiple turns while he tries to draw Thaniel out of the veil is your next quest objective. As your BG3 group enters the forest, you must defend the portal from an onslaught of shadows.

The number of foes is high, despite their low health. As you near the finale and the turns slither away, they also grow stronger. Effective attacks include the Magic Missile and others that can hit numerous targets at once. Here is where your BG3 party's massive area effect spells will come in handy, and you can turn the tide with their combined efforts.

But Shadowheart, or any Cleric in your BG3 group, will provide you the most edge here. Get her to a spot where there are a lot of foes, and then cast Turn Undead on her. Enemies that fail the Wisdom Save Throw for this will be turned and have to use their turn to flee from Shadowheart as fast as they can. If Shadowheart has progressed over level five, it increases the damage dealt to undead that fail the Wisdom Saving Throw by 4d6 Radiant.

Reloading and trying again can be necessary because some of it depends on luck. However, after the mission is finished, Thaniel and Halsin will return, and any opponents that are still alive will perish. On the other hand, Halsin tells him that he's sick.

If you want to recruit Halsin as a companion, you need to go back to camp and talk to him. He'll inform you Thaniel is incomplete and give you the mission to locate a place with flowering plants.

Your map should show the area, however it seems to be glitchy because I didn't see it. X: 76 Y: 40 are some possible locations for you to explore.

where can I locate Thaniel's Shadow Half?

Locate Thaniel's companion by making your way to the House of Deep Shadows. To get to the Shadowed Battlefield Waypoint quickly, you need to unlock it. Alternatively, you can go southeast from the Last Light Inn to the aforementioned coordinates (X: 76, Y: 40). You can also use this route.

On the other hand, you should get a Pixie Blessing or Moon Lantern that works before you go. In order to accomplish the goals of this quest, you will require it.

A walkthrough for Hide & Seek dialogue

Oliver is the name of the boy you'll meet in the House of Deep Shadows. You must be good at hide-and-seek if Oliver asks you to play with him, and if you've found him before, you know he will. During this BG3 session, play Hide & Seek with Oliver if you haven't already.

If you're coming back to this spot or have just finished playing Hide & Seek, you can speak with him. Some new speech will become available to you if he asks you to play with him.

Opt for the first dialogue option, where you inform Oliver of his true identity and urge him to return to rejoin with Thaniel, since Thaniel will perish apart from Oliver. Oliver and Thaniel are inseparable; Oliver is just Thaniel's shadow.

You can be sure that Oliver will be upset about this and insist that you can't stop him from playing. You and your party will need to follow him as he dashes into a portal. We advise you to get some sleep before you cross the portal and get ready to fight when you get there.

Here, Oliver will call upon his shadow family his parents and dog before enclosing himself in the Nightdome, a mystical bubble. A variety of creatures will challenge you to combat.

How to Conquer Oliver

If you want to reach Oliver, you'll have to destroy all of the enemies you encounter. The optimal strategy is to take out the parents and dog first, then cause enough damage to the dome to make Oliver emerge.

In addition to reducing the strength of Oliver's bubble which has 300 health killing these shadows also makes them easier to fight. If you know a few tricks, you can easily defeat them.

  • To free the canines, choose a high-damage character, such as a sorcerer or warlock.
  • Due to the fact that you receive three missiles and they are absolutely sure to land, Magic Missiles is the greatest and most effective ability to clear the hordes. Also, Eldritch Blast is at your disposal.
  • As soon as one parent is slain, the remainder of your team will go on to the other. Keep them under control with your tanks.
  • The dome will take 60 damage once one parent is murdered. As a result, the dome will take 120 damage if you can dispatch of them both swiftly.
  • Then there are Oliver's shadows, which you must eliminate. With only one health bar, you can easily eliminate them with an area-of-effect spell, such as Fireball or Magic Missiles.
  • Shadows can be better seen with the help of a light.
  • Use Action Surge to get an additional action for that turn if any of your characters are Fighters, such as Lae'zel. Mommy and Daddy's health will decline considerably more rapidly if this is done.
  • Another option is to use Frenzy on a barbarian, such as Karlach, to get an additional action and increase the damage you give to Mommy and Daddy.
  • You can concentrate your powers and destroy the Nightdome when you've eliminated all the shadows.

La clé pour inciter Oliver à rendre visite à Thaniel à nouveau

Après la bataille, vous devez persuader Oliver de retourner auprès de Thaniel. Une méthode pour y parvenir est de rassurer Oliver en lui disant qu'il ne sera plus jamais seul lorsqu'il jouera avec Thaniel. Dans Baldur's Gate 3, cela fait grandir Oliver et le pousse à agir comme un vrai garçon. Après la disparition d'Oliver, retournez au camp pour pouvoir parler à Halsin. Il vous révèle qu'avec le retour d'Oliver, Thaniel est en voie de guérison. Thaniel se rétablira complètement en quelques jours.

Nous pouvons conclure que savoir comment trouver Thaniel dans Baldur’s Gate 3 est plus facile que vous ne le pensiez avec ces instructions, il vous suffit de les appliquer pour y parvenir et progresser dans un jeu aussi chargé.

Plateforme(s): Microsoft Windows PC, Stadia, macOS
Développé par: Larian Studios
Distribué par: Larian Studios
Genero(s): Jeux de rôle
date de sortie: 6 octobre 2020
mode: Joueur unique, multijoueur
classe d'âge (PEGI): 16+

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