Venom is a very durable hero. His base health is high for any character, and most of his bonus health granting abilities will have you diving into the fray without much regard to whether you will survive it. Backed up by a healer Strategist, you'll be able to press onto the enemy team while your team takes the objective or finishes them off.
Use your Venom Swing to get to the objective faster as you exit the spawn area. You will be ready for any enemies thanks to the fast cooldown of it.
Venom's common attack strategy is swinging into an engagement with Frenzied Arrival, plunging down on top of several foes. While the foes are stumbling backward, turn on Cellular Corrosion to slow them further and attack with Dark Predation. Use Symbiotic Resilience to supercharge your health for an extra edge. Deal as much damage as possible before using Venom Swing to swing away into cover, and let your healers top you off. With the Alien Biology passive, Venom can scale walls, charge into the fray with Frenzied Arrival, and swing out with Venom Swing for a quick escape.
Although Venom's Team-Up Ability with Peni Parker and Spider-Man is not the strongest in the game, he does offer some useful advantages. Its damage from Touch of Klyntar may be minimal, but its knockback effect serves as a great way to control crowds and afford your teammates easier ability combos.
When fully charged, Venom unleashes an incredible power surge with the ultimate ability, Feast of the Abyss. It's a security blanket for the hero that enables a much more aggressive playstyle at any time that it's available, even if your healers aren't focusing much on your health. Use it at the most opportune moments in team fights and to tunnel underground to hit multiple targets to gain bonus health while dealing lethal damage to enemy heroes caught within it.
Venom's limited attack range puts you at a significant disadvantage when engaging from afar. When facing off against heroes such as Hawk-Eye, seize every opportunity to utilize your Venom Swing and close the gap. Venom's impressive base health, paired with the extra health gained from abilities, creates an insurmountable challenge for anyone attempting to take him on in a one-on-one encounter.
In addition to the insights previously provided on mastering the hero, here are some extra tips and tricks to maximize your experience with Venom in Marvel Rivals:
Venom's symbiotic resilience is the ultimate weapon that keeps him surviving during the combat. While this might be very tempting to turn it on right from the beginning of the fight, it is better to wait until your health is considerably low. This will give you a massive health boost that will help you sustain longer in the battle.
El Golpe venenoso y la Llegada frenética tienen un tiempo de reutilización de 8 segundos. Usa ambas habilidades tanto como puedas para mantener la sensación de caos emocionante. Úsalas para perseguir a los héroes francotiradores o a los apoyos de la retaguardia.
Después de haber marcado a varios enemigos con Corrosión celular, persigue al que tenga menos movilidad para maximizar el daño que tu habilidad puede infligir.
Festín del abismo es una habilidad definitiva poderosa que inflige mucho daño a los enemigos. Úsala en los momentos más críticos de la pelea, intentando golpear a la mayor cantidad de objetivos posible para ganar la mayor cantidad de salud y causar el mayor daño.
Como vanguardia, no temas volver a ponerte a cubierto, especialmente si tu sanador ha muerto. Si tu equipo ha sido aniquilado, tómate el tiempo necesario para buscar cobertura en lugar de intentar avanzar desesperadamente hacia el objetivo.
Mantén informados a tus compañeros de equipo y amigos cuando estés listo para lanzar Venom Swing a una batalla. Asegúrate de que tus sanadores sepan que deben concentrarse en ti mientras te lanzas al combate.
Es fácil aprender a jugar con Venom. Con los consejos mencionados anteriormente y un poco de práctica, estarás bien preparado para entrar al campo de batalla y enfrentarte al equipo enemigo en Marvel Rivals.
Ahora que ya sabes Cómo Jugar a Venom en Marvel Rivals, puedes seguir nuestros pasos y listo, intentarlo.