Lidia Rozo
2020-01-19 14:20:21

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Action games always show us strengths, and knowing how to use items during a battle in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is phenomenal.

  This is a game marked by fantastic and strong battles, so knowing how to use elements during a battle, allows us to move more easily and visualize what can be a difference between living and dying, because every detail here counts.

What are the items in a battle in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot?

The elements are simply part of the tools necessary to keep us alive in this game, because as we move forward in this game we get much more complex battles, that is why we must be prepared with the elements and skills we possess, because we cannot choose to die, the goal will always be to win and move forward.

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How to assign items in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot?

Knowing how to use elements during a battle is essential, for this we must assign it because assigning an element can be simple, as long as we know how to do it, for this we will only need to open the menu by pressing the Options button in case of playing on PS4 or the Menu button if we are on Xbox One, and with that we proceed to select the elements.

When selecting the quick selection menu `we can use the square button of PS4 or the X button of Xbox One, there we are asked to assign the element to the corresponding button, and depending on the preferences we have we will use it or assign it to our screen.

Step a to assign items in Dragon Ball ZX Kakarot.

  • Open the Elements tab.
  • There we will see and select the elements we want to use in battle.
  • We select the element we wish to use.
  • By choosing the item we can assign it once to the quick selection menu to use it on the screen.
  • Assign to our quick selection menu.-
  • We can assign it to a button so that we can press it while opening the menu in battle in order to use it.

How to use items during a battle in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot?

The first step to know how to use elements during a battle is to assign them, but this does not mean that there is nothing else to do, because here we will have to open the quick selection menu using the D-pad, this makes the menu appear and with it the elements that we have assigned to the buttons, here we only have to press the buttons to execute them and that's it.

Finally knowing how to use elements during a battle is really a comfortable process in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, because it allows us to place an element to our buttons facilitating more the process in the combats.

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