Wir laden Sie ein, herauszufinden, wie Sie das Brookhaven Hospital in Silent Hill 2 remake fertigstellen, eine neue Aufgabe in diesem spannenden Spiel.
Der nächste Halt der Mission „Finde Mary“ in Silent Hill 2 ist das Brookhaven Hospital, wo Sie angekommen sind, nachdem Sie die lästige Laura durch das rätselhafte Silent Hill gejagt haben. Maria lässt sich in eines der „gemütlichen“ Krankenhausbetten einweisen und äußert ihre Abneigung gegenüber der Einrichtung aufgrund der immer schwierigeren Rätsel und Feinde.
In dieser ausführlichen Komplettlösung zum Remake von Silent Hill 2 zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie unverletzt aus dem Brookhaven Hospital entkommen.
Hier finden Sie Lösungen und Kombinationen für Standardrätsel.
Das Brookhaven Hospital dreht sich, wie die Wood Side Apartments, um ein zentrales Rätsel. In diesem labyrinthartigen Teil von Silent Hill 2 müssen Sie jedoch kleinere Rätsel lösen, bevor Sie die Teile finden, um dieses Puzzle zu lösen. Diese drei Patienten sind die Schlüsselteile des Puzzles. Obwohl das Büro des Direktors den Aufenthaltsort jedes Patienten bekannt gibt, ist das Patientenarmband der einzige greifbare Beweis ihrer Existenz.
Sie müssen zuerst in den Keller gehen, um den Aufzug zu reparieren. Da Sie das Brookhaven Hospital mit eingeschränktem Zugang begonnen haben, muss ich zugeben, dass dieser Abschnitt für mich etwas verwirrend war. Die Kombination für das Vorhängeschloss im Empfangsbereich finden Sie, indem Sie die Bäume, Ärzte und Krankenschwestern zählen, die auf dem Kunstwerk in der Lobby abgebildet sind. Diese Informationen sind dem Memo der Krankenschwester in Untersuchungsraum 3 entnommen, auf das Sie zugreifen können, indem Sie das Glas dieses Raums einschlagen. Sieben, zwei und vier sind die Kombination für das Vorhängeschloss.
Fußbodenheizung. Nachdem Sie den leeren Benzinkanister aus dem Heizraum geholt und im Lager aufgefüllt haben, begeben Sie sich mit dem Schlüssel in der Hand in den Bereich, in dem die Schaufensterpuppen herumlaufen. Sorgen Sie mit dem Benzinkanister im Generatorraum für wieder Strom und gehen Sie dann zurück in die Lobby, um mit dem Aufzug in den 2. Stock zu fahren.
Von Anfang an strahlt das Brookhaven Hospital eine seltsam beruhigende Atmosphäre aus. Die Sonnenstrahlen, die durch die Fenster hereinfallen, sorgen für eine subtile Wärme. Doch die Ruhe ist nur von kurzer Dauer, da Maria das knifflige Puzzlespiel aufgibt. Offensichtlich hat James‘ begrenzter Wortschatz sie nicht beeindruckt. Wenn Maria nicht da ist, steigern die Bubble Head Nurses ihr Spiel mit nervösen Köpfen und Drei-Treffer-Kombinationen. Diese Monster sind nicht wie die Schaufensterpuppe oder die lügende Figur, sie werden auf Leben und Tod gegen Sie kämpfen.
Ein wichtiger Ratschlag besteht darin, das Pflegepersonal zu schlagen, wenn es sichtlich nervös ist.
While you're exploring the second level, don't forget to stop by the Women's Locker Room. The Bent Needle and Shotgun are within. Take the western stairwell to the third level from here. In Exam Room 4, you'll find the Inner Ward Key and the X-Ray puzzle, which must be solved in order to obtain another Bracelet. To get back to the main floor, you must go all the way to the elevator. With the key, you can access a new portion of the hospital the Inner Ward on 1F.
Quickly make your way to the restroom. To get here, you must start in the Dayroom, then cross to the Pharmacy, then stroll around the Garden, and finally end up at the Pool. The Medical Tube can be found in the unmarked room next to the Shower Room.
To retrieve the Maintenance Key from the drain, return to the pharmacy and mix the Bent Needle with the medical tube. Get back to the pool, turn the pump to empty the water, then use the key. The Bloodstained Bracelet may be found inside the wall that blocks access to the deep end of the pool, which can be broken down with your Pipe Wrench.
Upon acquiring the Bloodstained Bracelet, your attention should be directed towards investigating the western side of 1F. For this phase of the puzzle, you must take the Mold Remover from the Pantry. For the Nurses' Station Keypad on 2nd Floor, you can locate the Keypad Combination Note in the Doctors' Lounge on 1st Floor. The code is 3 5 7 8, according to this. From within, retrieve the Musty Radiograph.
Keep your cool and keep an eye out for any unlocked doors; nurses have the ability to open them. This will help you if your enemies are trying to track you.
Now return to Exam Room 4 by making your way to the third floor. To get rid of mold, mix Moldy Radiograph with Mold Remover. Retrieve the pelvis radiograph from Exam Room 4 and place it beside the other radiograph in the wall-mounted LED viewing box. In order to align the ribs, hand, pelvis, and head with the black marker lines on the view box, rotate them. The result is 4 37 12. Use this to open the combination lock outside of Exam Room 4, and then go inside to the cloth-covered table to retrieve the Filthy Bracelet.
You may find the last Bracelet on the second floor, just behind L1. Within the Nurses' Lounge, you may find the L1 Room Key, which you must use to enter the secured room. James will be led by an unknown entity into L1's walls and eventually end up at 1F's Medical Records. The Marked Bracelet is on the far north side of this chamber.
Once you have all three Bracelets, head over to the Director's Office. Arrange the Bloodstained, Marked, and Filthy Bracelets on the hand in that sequence. Make sure that two numerals are facing you by rotating each bracelet.
Gain access to the room in the director's office by using the key. Gather the books into a lion's shape and press the Safe Button within. The Safe sequence can be deduced from the Bracelet numbers. Enter the symbols for the numbers 92 45 71 into the Safe once you've added the Safe Button.
The Rooftop Key, found in the safe, can be used on the third-floor northern staircase. Locating Laura in the restricted area region of 3F is made easier with the help of Pyramid Head. Laura confines you in a room, and then James and Flesh Lip get into a boss fight. Your adventure within the Otherworld Brookhaven Hospital will only begin after you defeat this boss.
When you find yourself in its path, Flesh Lips will try to body slam you as it moves around in the dark above the ceiling. Since it's challenging to synchronize melee attacks with Lips' attacks, we suggest using either the Handgun or the Shotgun here. Since there is just one opponent, you have plenty of room to manoeuvre about the arena until you have your chance. Remain composed and calm.
Make sure to aim for Lips' flesh with your shots. The metal casing of Flesh Lips is impervious to gunfire. As you inflict sufficient damage, the monster will raise its claws in an assault, which it will subsequently amplify in both pattern and pace. Try to outrun its lunges and shot its flesh as a form of revenge.
There are a lot of Nurses, Lying Figures, and Mannequins in the Otherworld of Brookhaven, making it difficult to move around. With their enhanced powers, they pose a greater danger than before. Unless you're feeling very adventurous, a rifle is your best bet here. Upon reaching 2F on the elevator, you must immediately dash to the third story. You can use the Instrument of Force on the dummy after you locate Exam Room 4; just grab it from the table. Navigate to the ladder on the western side of 3F to descend into 1F.
Above the Storage and Restroom, in the big chamber, you should be able to see a hole in the wall where you can find the Key of Bliss. This room can be accessed using the Medical Records system. Apply the Key of Bliss to the Exam Room 4 dummy. Take the stairwell to 2F now that you've solved the Surgical Chair riddle. The Chained Box puzzle, which consists of three interconnected parts, is housed in the lobby. Using the Eye of Lapis Key that you obtained from the dummy, you can eliminate the first puzzle chain.
Advice: Put the open doors to work as a bottleneck, luring foes through so you may fire at them quickly without wasting ammo.
The next step in deciphering Chained Box's codes is to follow each chain individually. Locate M1 and M2 on 2nd floor and the unidentified room above the restroom on 3rd floor to get the solutions. The steps to solving this puzzle are summarized here:
After you acquire the -1 Elevator Button from the Lady of the Door, solving this puzzle will bring you back together with Maria.
Suddenly, a radio show begins airing as you make your way to the basement of Brookhaven Hospital and you happen to be the fortunate caller. You probably won't be ready to take the Trick or Treat quiz unless you read all that was assigned or paid careful attention in class. Rest assured, though; we've included the solutions down below:
Code 2 3 1 is the result of the answers. Make note of the Trick or Treat code you learned in the radio elevator quiz; you'll need to enter it on the Decorative Box located on 1st floor of the pharmacy before returning to the Lady of the Door to continue the story. Remembering the code to open the decorative box is all that's required.
Finding the Lead Ring in the unnamed location behind the Doctors' Lounge and Locker Room and the Copper Ring in the Basement Pump Room is the last part of Brookhaven Hospital. If you want to finish the Brookhaven Hospital puzzle, you have to go back to the Lady of the Door on the second floor.
We can conclude that knowing How to Complete Brookhaven Hospital in Silent Hill 2 remake is easier with these instructions, you just have to apply them to continue progressing in this great game.