
Alle Antworten zur Zodiac-Schnitzeljagd in BitLife


In diesem Leitfaden erklären wir, was alle Antworten auf die Zodiac-Schnitzeljagd in BitLife sind.

Erst kürzlich hat BitLife neben den wöchentlichen Herausforderungen sein viertes großes Event veröffentlicht – die Zodiac Scavenger Hunt. Diese wird bis zum 15. September 2024 dauern und konzentriert sich darauf, alle 12 Sternzeichen durch das Abschließen verschiedener Aktivitäten im Spiel zu finden. Während einige davon relativ leicht zu erreichen sind, erfordern andere tatsächlich extreme Anstrengungen und ein gut durchdachtes Gameplay, selbst für den erfahrenen BitLife-Spieler.

Um beispielsweise das Sternzeichen Widder zu finden, muss man Profisportler sein und eine Meisterschaft gewinnen. Um das Sternzeichen Stier zu finden, muss man durch Investitionen und Unternehmensgründungen viel Reichtum anhäufen. Um das Sternzeichen Zwillinge zu finden, müssen Spieler möglicherweise schreiben oder öffentlich sprechen und beträchtliche Anerkennung erlangen.

Dies ist eines der herausforderndsten und lohnendsten Zodiac Scavenger Hunt-Events, bei dem die Fähigkeiten und Kreativität der Spieler auf die Probe gestellt werden. Wer alle 12 Sternzeichen findet, erhält einen besonderen Preis im Spiel.

BitLife: Alle Antworten zur Zodiac-Schnitzeljagd

Die BitLife Zodiac Scavenger Hunt ist eine lustige Herausforderung, bei der man bestimmte Aufgaben in Bezug auf sein Sternzeichen erfüllen muss. Das Spiel gibt immer einen vagen Hinweis darauf, was zu tun ist, aber die Spieler müssen oft experimentieren, um die richtige Antwort zu finden.

Hier ist eine detaillierte Aufschlüsselung jedes Sternzeichens und seiner entsprechenden Aufgabe:

Einfache Siege


Aquarius, your character should struggle to become an ardent educator. Have him or her finish secondary school to pursue his or her higher education in university for the attainment of a university degree in education. However, an education degree isn't a just-strict necessity; it makes the whole process smooth, and it equips your character with the knowledge and skills that are required for a teaching profession.

After university, start looking for your full-time job until you get the school teacher job. The successful application and interview mean that you not only fulfill the Aquarius requirement but mark a good beginning towards your promising career of shaping young minds.


Aries Finding the zodiac sign in the scavenger hunt requires having a constructive fight with one of your parents. It may sound easy, but remember, fighting is different from insulting. You must put forward your point of view strongly yet respectably and listen to your parents.

One is to have free and open discussions with your parents, until such time you reach a point of disagreement. This may take several discussions, as likely you have open and positive relationships and come to agreement on many items. Be patient, as over time the point of disagreement will arise.

Otherwise, fame and taking part in adult photo shoots can be the reason for an argument with your parents. Evidently, they will be against that decision, and that will give a chance to constructively argue.

If your character is still in school, you could get into some mischievous behavior, like fighting with your classmates or showing total disregard for the teacher. The teachers and others may reprimand him on grounds of misbehavior. You may be taken to the principal afterward, which will most definitely anger your parents, giving you a chance to argue. However, think it over because there may be too much at stake compared to fulfilling the Aries' requirement.

Just remember, the secret to arguing successfully is to state your opinions clearly and respectfully while you listen to your parents' points of view. In this way, both of you will understand each other even more and eventually grow closer.

Cancer: A Crabby Career

To complete the Cancer zodiac sign, you are going to be taking a sea voyage as a crab fisherman. Of course, if you completed the Seaman Challenge already, life at sea is nothing new to you.

To start this one, follow along to your list of full-time jobs and search for the Greenhorn career. This will likely take some tries, so you'll probably have to either get out of and back into your BitLife application or age up a few times until it shows up. When you find it, go ahead and apply to get the interview, so you can become a crab fisherman.

Capricorn: A Rich Enterprise

Capricorn is pretty self-explanatory-earn $100,000 in your character's bank account. The means by which you accomplish this task is totally up to you: find a lucrative job, become popular and get paid for appearances, receive an inheritance, or rob your neighbors blind.

If you already have a rich Sim in your household, you can simply switch to them and age them up by a year to quickly complete the Capricorn goal. Otherwise, for those who want more hands-on involvement, there is actually the more tedious process of building wealth through a series of good choices in careers and financial planning.

Remember, the key to completing Capricorn is to focus on financial stability and accumulation. Whether you take the direct route or the indirect route, it's all about that elusive $100,000 mark.


The completion of Gemini without the Golden Pacifier is quite a task since you have to be parents of twins. Increasing your chances includes taking IVF via the fertility menu, but even then, it's mostly left to luck.

Each and every time your character becomes a parent, there's a little chance that twins will occur. Once in a blue moon, triplets will appear, but they aren't counted for purposes of the scavenger hunt. To do this task, you'll have to keep having babies via IVF, the Golden Pacifier, or just by chance, until twins come up.


Possible in base game, Leo is notably easier with a special career pack like Musician, Modeling, or Acting. This star sign involves reaching popularity that could be achieved in several career choices. Here are some outside of the special career packs:


It goes without saying that for Libra, success is through the courts. Becoming a judge is long but possible. It requires dedication and persistence. Here is the process in detail:

Following these steps and with the assurance of your commitment towards the law profession, this aspires to the position of the judge- a highly prestigious post that meets the requirements of the Libra zodiac sign.


Unlike many other zodiac signs, Pisces can be fulfilled during your character's younger years. To fulfill this, simply age your character up until they hit middle or high school. Go through the Activities list for your school, and you'll find the option to join the art club.

Because if the art club doesn't happen right then and there, then don't worry. You can spend the rest of the school years, including university, looking for it. And if at the end of university, that's still not there, then you probably need to reload your character.

Remember, to complete the key to the Pisces zodiac sign you will want to be sure to participate in an art club and explore your creative abilities. Not only will this fulfill the requirements of the zodiac, but also enable you with a nice hobby or even a future career.


For Sagittarius, just taking a vacation out of the country will be enough. Go into the "Activities" tab, click on "Vacation," and select any country other than the one that you begin in. The class of travel you take does not matter, but first-class will help your character's happiness.


Scorpio needs a little spice: a threesome. Once done, start by forming a relationship and later propose a threesome with him or her. Outright rejection is bound to happen, especially if you are tied up in a serious relationship. To successfully pull it off, though, find partners with high "craziness" stats.


Taurus: Once you figure out what the hint is trying to say, it's easy. Go to a spa by clicking on "Activities," "Salon & Spa," then whatever you can select. I went with a manicure, but you do you.


The final puzzle, Virgo, requires musical skill. Fiddle around with the violin in "Activities," "Mind and Body," then "Instruments." You want that skill bar to be full.

This can be a very long and costly process unless those personalities who lack the music talent. So, if you have lots of patience and time, you will eventually learn to play on the violin and complete the Zodiac Scavenger Hunt.

By considering these factors, you can increase your chances of successfully completing the Zodiac Scavenger Hunt and unlocking the rewards.

Plattform(s): iOS, Bluestacks, Android
Entwickelt von: Candywriter LLC.
Im Vertrieb von: Candywriter, LLC
Genero(s): Lebens-Simulationsspiel
Modus: Einzelspieler
Alterseinstufung (PEGI): 17+