Angel Marquez
2021-01-10 20:15:25

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Find out how to find all 10 Animus anomalies in this excellent and explanatory guide from Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

What to know about Animus anomalies in Assassin's Creed Valhalla?

We find endless activities to do along the way of this game, one of them has to do with the anomalies of the Animus, which there are a total of 10 on the map, locating them is not something easy, when we get to finding each one of them gives a video fragment, which at the moment of completing all of them allows us access to a wide scene and provides us with a lot of information to highlight about the game, being something that is opportune to do, we will see below How to find all 10 Animus anomalies, let's just pay proper attention.

How to find all 10 Animus anomalies in Assassin's Creed Valhalla?

We have to consider the locations of each of the Animus anomalies and these are East Anglia, Eurviscire, Glowecestrescire, Hamtunscire, Hordafylke, Ledecestrescire, Lincolnscire, Oxenfordscire, Snotinghamscire and Suthsexe, when we are in the locations the following is necessary:

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  • Getting to the end is our goal to find every anomaly
  • Touching some objects makes you lose synchronization, and we return to the control point
  • You have to find the ray of light to climb the gray blocks, then aim at them and new openings are presented to go through in each of the sections
  • Touching the red blocks does not allow to be synchronized, so we must be vigilant
  • Voices are heard speaking when close to completing the anomaly

Now that you are aware of How to find all 10 Animus anomalies , just do it and keep progressing in this incredible game as it is Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

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