Pay attention, and you will be able to learn how to unlock Ragnarok Ark in ARK Survival Evolved, so pay close attention because we start.What is the Ragnarok Ark in ARK Survival Evolved?
It is a 144 square kilometer map that features an active volcano and adds new species and dungeons to the standard game features. Depending on the game, ascending is required before accessing this ark, but there is a trick to unlocking this map that requires you to enter a special command.
How to unlock Ragnarok Ark in ARK Survival Evolved?
To unlock the map you will have to access the console commands. If you are a PS4 user, you will have to pause the game and hold them together: L1, R1, Square, Triangle. On Xbox One you will have to access the pause menu, hold LB, RB, X, Y. On PC you will have to press the Tab key to open the management console. When you press Tab again, you'll see a larger version of the console in the upper half of the screen.
You will then find an admin command bar at the top of the screen, which will be there as long as you exit the options. But it will disappear if you leave it for a long time. If it does, you'll have to use the same procedure as before.
In the command bar, you will have to enter: playercommand Ascend2. If you're on someone else's server, you'll need to type "cheat" before "playercommand".
Then run to access the map.
This is everything there is to know about how to unlock Ragnarok Ark in ARK Survival Evolved, so you should be more than ready to unlock this map quickly.
Platform(s): Linux, Microsoft Windows PC, OS X, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 PS4, Nintendo Switch, Android. iOS
Genre(s): Action-adventure, survival
Developer(s): Studio Wildcard, Instinct Games, Efecto Studios
Publisher(s):Studio Wildcard, Humble Store, Steam, Epic Games Store, Nintendo eShop
Mode: Single-player, multiplayer
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