Ambar Jimenez
2019-03-18 20:09:43

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As a surprise release from developer Respawn Entertainment, Apex Legends has become a hobby for many people in such a short time.

From the beginning the developers planned to produce regular seasons including an optionalbattle pass and currently the company has decided to share some details about it, but they could not cover several holes with their hands, so while they revealed some details they ended up filtering others. So now we have clues of what's coming next.

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In the Apex Legends road map of the battle passes, it is indicated that the four battles passes planned for this year will include new weapons and booties as exclusive cosmetics, and it is also expected that a new legend or at least one new one will be included. "Octane."

On the other hand, we still do not have any official data on the exact date of the release of each battle pass, the only thing we know is that the first battle pass will be launched at any time this March, while it is expected that arrive in the months June, September and December respectively.

Several items of the season can be obtained in the regular game for those who do not have a battle pass, this means that there will be some exclusive items for which if they are pass holders, the passes will also have random Apex Legends Packages that will have masks and other items. It is expected that each battle pass has an approximate of 100 rewards.

As for the estimated price for the battle pass, the company has not announced a value or at least not for the moment. Although, a leak of Origin which Respwan called as an "unintentional update on season 1", could have revealed the price 950 coins of Apex Legends.

Currently a Founder's package is available, this has 2000 Apex Coins, with it it could be possible to purchase the first battle passes, as well as some valuable items such as weapons, exclusive characters skins or a Founder's badge.

In addition to the above, the filtration of Origin also brought with it the revelation of what seems to be the character of Season 1, Octane, still not much is known about him, but it is expected that among his abilities is the ability to place pads of jump. This could be true because launch platforms are already being seen in Apex Legends.

On the other hand, datamining revealed several other possible Legends, but these are still not likely. The developers of the Battle Royale said of the leaks: "There are things that are very old or that we have tried in the past and cut back, remember that our design process is to create prototypes and reproduce many ideas, and some of them can be things we're still working on, Apex Legends, "community manager Jay Frechette said. "Finding this in no way confirms that it will ever come to light, in the best case, you should treat any publication about it as a rumor and the real information will come from us when we are ready to show what is coming next."

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apex legens, apexlegends, apex legends mobile , characters, patch notes, apex legands, apex legen
PC, PS4 , Xbox One
Battle royale, first-person shooter
Respawn Entertainment
Electronic Arts
Release date:
February 4, 2019
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam